Everything new in 2015: Small starting places worked well in the past. The common starting point in Würzburg in 2014 also had its merits. Because we didn’t want to decide between the two and wanted to keep trusting randomness, we mixed the two for a great 2015 combo:
There will be three starting points and up to 6 routes (two for each starting point) that would lead us to our destination: Omarë in Albania. The number of routes would depend of the number of participants (up to 6).The exact routes will be announced at the starting spot and then be drawn from a hat. Each route would meet the other one on the road halfway through and of course at the final destination.
Where should you start from? Well, let’s see what our hosts have to say:
Lasse invites you to Cottbus:
“How did the Gallic village of Cottbus In Asterix defend itself in the Lusatia, little patch of grey on the map amongst green and sand colours? On the land of holwing wolves, digging shovels and the shoeing owls, there is a small 100 000 inhabitants town, that enjoys its environment.
We hear people saying our town “as unknown as Bielefield” or “greyer than Chemnitz”, but that makes us laugh. After all, we know how to appreciate our Fuerst Puckler, famous Neapolitan ice cream, in our gigantic parks. Nature is all around you, wherever you look, with an old small town stuck in the middle of it. The Spree forest should not be missed: it attracts older tourists like mosquitoes to a light. It also offers great culinary delights like pickles, gurken, pickles in garlic, gurken brandy, cornichons and so on… The highway is quiet further out of the city centre and it takes a bit of thinking to find the right spot. But once you found it, it doesn’t take long as there are a lot of locals on the road and only two ways to go: direction Berlin or Poland.
The area is not called the german desert for nothing. Summer is always in the air and it is Caribbean hot. Sunscreen and straw hat are a must in our beautiful bike city…

(foto: Presse03)
Max to Immenstaad:
63 km long, 250 meters deep, crystal clear water, on one side and the Swiss Alps on the other. We are on Lake Constance. Or exactly at Tramprennen’s starting point IMMENSTAAD. With 6000 inhabitants and also a contemplative cow in this sleepy town.
We are on the pebble beach beside the small tower, the former bathhouse of the castle Kirchberg. At the bus stop in front of the castle you can have a chill or run directly into the water, you are already at the right place for the Pre-meetings. Here we can camp or sleep under the stars right on the beach. For everyone’s well-being, drinks and barbecue food will be available.
The main traffic road between the East and West tangent of Lake Constance is the B31, above the vineyard next to us. The next day, let’s get ready to go, with a quick deep into the cool water, pack the bag, stretch the thumb, go up to the vineyard and there you go towards Albania!’

Johannes and Dada to Vienna:
“Vienna, Vienna, only you are the city of my dreams forever.” Sung Peter Alexander many years ago in his famous song. And it is not only the Viennese people who say so: the capital city of Austria has been the most liveable city in the world for two years running. The magnificent city centre with the St Stephen’s Cathedral, the Hofburg and City Hall should not be missed.
For young people there are many great parks, the Danube Canal, the relaxing oasis of the Danube island, and heaps of cafes and bars. Good beer and music means you won’t get bored.
Vienna is also referred to as the “gateway to the East”: from there you can be in an hour in Slovakia, the Czech Republic or even Hungary.
And because Vienna is such a beautiful city, this year it will also be tone of the starting point of our unforgettable hitchhiking race to Albania!

(foto: Omnidoom 999 )
These three or better four lovely faces will welcome you at the starting line and organise the Premeetings on Friday, 21st of August, where you will get your Hitchpackage and all the infos you need for Tramprennen 2015!
To choose your starting point, you just need to complete this few steps: first register your team on our website (from Friday on), create your team profile, pay for your Hitchpackage (25€) and post us your liability-Waver.
We can’t wait to see you all at the starting line of Tramprennen 2015!