Welcome Pro Asyl!

As the preparations for TR2015 are busting, it is time to introduce you to our new partner:

Welcome to ProAsyl!

This year Tramprennen plans to support ProAsyl as well as Viva con Agua. Because we want to support refugees rights as well as access to water!

Every hitchhiker knows this incredible feeling: Some have butterfly in the belly, or a jumping heart or fizziness in their thumb: it describes the overwhelming excitement of being on the road again, moving freely, crossing borders, and living adventures in foreign places.

But not everyone has this luck. Political barriers to migration are growing and intolerances are spreading all over Europe. Globally, about 50 millions of people are forced to leave home to escape from wars, torture, violence or the violation of their basics rights. And Europe is not as welcoming as other countries have been with us.

The purpose of Tramprennen is and has always been to promote freedom of movement for all and solidarity amongst people. So it sounded natural to support it as much as we could through an organization that can be trusted.

ProAsyl is a non-governmental human rights organisation, which has been working for more than 25 years for refugee’s rights in Germany and in Europe. As well as informing and raising awareness about it, ProAsyl help refugees during their asylum procedures and support refugees-lead projects that empower them. Last but not least, ProAsyl advocates against inhumane European migration policies and that no one is illegal. If you want to find out more about ProAsyl, check the link.


We will keep supporting Viva con Agua and its aims to improve access to drinkable water, sanitation and hygiene worldwide. As a reminder, check out the great work that Viva con Agua does.

The donations to Tramprennen will be split 50/50. Half of the money raised will go to Viva con Agua, half to ProAsyl, as easy as that. It is not only about money, it is about spreading the word, promoting solidarity and respect, one hitch at the time.

For the rest of Tramprennen 2015, we will keep you updated!

A lot of funkylicious surprises coming soon!



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