Our own and other hichhike-projects

New Liveticker online!

After the all the problems last year, we have a nice surprise for everybody! Our new Liveticker is already online! There you can upload posts, pictures, youtube-videos and even your location online!

Inform your friends, sponsors and “opponents”  about you preperations for Tramprennen 2015!

The SMS-funtion will follow soon. Congrats and thanks to Jonas, who made this possible!


Here you can check the liveticker and here you can feed him.



55 Teams finished registration process, 80 are registered… what sould we say? wohoooo!!!

Its just fantastic that there are so many people who want to put up their thumbs with us and support our partner organisations!!

One important information: Tomorrow we’ll close the registration process. So from tomorrow on you can’t register a new team. If you re already registered and if you just need to send the waver or transfer the money, please do it soon! But no worries, we won’t exclude anybody!

Its also still possible, to join existing teams!

For the starting points: Fortunatly or unfortunatly the first starting points are full of teams. Please understand, that we can’t allow more teams to the points, because the routes have to be equal.

Just if we have more than 60 registered teams, we will open one or two more slots for the starting points. (in immenstaad we already have a waiting list :()

The most free slots are actually in Cottbus, thats why some advertising for the beautiful city close to Berlin:

Lasse, the guy with the tonsure from the las year, will welcome everybody together with the local crew of Viva con Agua in the Prima Wetter.

There you can all stay for the night and in the evening there will be the drawing, the handover of the hitchpackages and a small party!

Drinks will be cheap, there es a great burger restaurant and there will be live music! As it that weren’t enough, there is also a swimming pool and, for the unlikely cause of bad weather, a cinema.

So everbody, don’t be distressed, its worth to visit Cottbus before we start our trip through Poland and the Czech republik in direction to the Balkans.


No more than two weeks…


Your Tramprennen 2015-Crew








Tramprennen 2015: Here we go!


No more then 4 weeks until we’re hitting the road again! For 2 weeks we are thumbing, looking where our luck is leading us to, together with more than 100 crazy people in direction to Albania. A time which hopefully shows ,instead of all the bad news in the world, that there are things in this world which are connecting people: generous hospitality, solidarity and helpfulness without minding the nationality.

We are starting at the 21th of August and we hope to see you all at the Premeetings in Cottbus, Immenstaad and Vienna, one day before the race starts with the first stage. There we’ll draw the slots and you are getting assigned to one of the two possible routes and you’ll get to know the Stage-destinations on your way towards Albania. In Addition to that, all teams are getting their Hitchpackages at the Startingpoints, they are including the well-tried Eddings and charged Sim-Cards from our new Supporter Ortel Mobile.

Up to now 60+ Teams are in the registration process and 35 have already completed their registration. 60+ Teams, this means that it’s getting crowded. Because it’s only possible for 60 Teams to register (at most 66 Teams). For every starting point we allowed 20 Teams to start. Especially in Immenstaad it’s almost full. But this shouldn’t be a serious problem because the Cottbus and Vienna route have as much as Immenstaad to offer.

The registration period is going to end soon and almost everybody has sent the 25€ and everyday are arriving more letters at our „Opa Rudi“ in Eisenach, who is collecting them and organizing all the activation. For those who havn’t already finished their homework: You’ve got time until the 9th of August, because we have to print the T-Shirts and prepare the Hitchpackages.

If you want to participate and you haven’t a team yet: Check out our HitchmateXchange Page, there are still people looking for a Hitchbuddy and you can start your search there. If nothing works out: At last years Premeetings a few teams found themselves and 2-person teams converted into 3-person teams and friendships were born which will last for a long time.

Beside this it’s always possible to hitchhike with us to Albania without a score.

For those of you who can’t participate: We present this Year’s new improved Liveticker, which keeps you updated while we are travelling. After the problems of last year our new IT-Crack Jonas is working on the ticker for weeks, successfully delaying his Diplomathesis, to program the thing and incorporate some surprises.

That’s it for the moment from us, the thumbs are itching and before the race starts we’re looking for more sponsors to add some more Euros to the 1000+ Euros, which we have already collected to support the projects of Viva con Agua and the work of PRO ASYL.

Your Tramprennen 2015-Crew

Tramprennen 2015 – Our way to Omaraj (Omarë)

Omare in the North of Alabania is the destination for Tramprennen 2015, situated directly at the huge and impressive Lake Shkodër.

In two weeks starting on August 22nd, exclusively our thumbs will take us to our destination in six stages from Cottbus, Immenstaad and Vienna.

Depending on how many participants will start the trip with us in 2015 to reach the destination together and along the way collect as many donations as possible for Viva con Agua and Pro Asyl, there will be up to six different routes which wiggle across Southeast Europe to the destination.

TR_2014_ 122

There will be exciting stages with many country roads, fascinating landscapes, small villages and big cities. It won’t be easy, but all stages should doable!

The two routes starting in Immenstaad will start from Lake Constance towards the Balkan- there they will meet again on the fourth stage in Ostrožac, situated in the middle of Bosnia at the formidable Jablanica barrier lake.

From there both will be heading towards Montenegro, before the last stage will bring them to the destination.

The two routs starting in Cottbus will lead through Poland and/or Czech Republic towards the South where they will meet again in the university town Novi Sad at the Danube. From Serbia the journey will lead through Bosnia and/or Montenegro to Albania.

If you decide to start in Vienna, you will be rewarded with a detour to last year’s destination: The incredibly beautiful Lake Ohrid. In contrast to last year we will not head to the Macedonian but the Albanian side from where we head towards the North again through Albanian mountains to the destination. But both routes will meet again in Golubac after the second stage. Golubac is a small town at the border to Romania which used to be a stronghold and has a port.

Sticker – Contest

Have you ever dreamed of being famous over Europe´s highway network and its petrol stations? We know you have! Again this year there will be the possibility to let this this dream become reality – The STICKER-CONTEST!



So take your pens, water colours, Wachsmalblöcke, your iPhone or what ever and let your design skills flow! The only condition: our website tramprennen.org must be mentioned on your sticker. Send your proposals until Friday 3rd of July to gro.nennerpmartnull@oreg.

There will be a facebook vote competition and the proposal that gets the most likes will win and be spread on every country road between Germany and Albania. Another motivation: The winner will receive a postcard from Omare – hand singed by Peter Pony himself.

We can´t wait to see your creativity explode!