A Happy Day!
Two weeks left and the race is on!
These are the news you need for the moment. Please read them carefully, otherwise you might miss some useful information.
1. Registration Stop and cancellation of route Peach
In good old Tramprennen tradition we cancelled one route due to missing teams. Sorry Peach and thanks for being with us till now. Since we’re preparing the Hitchpackages this weekend and every route has 10 to 12 teams now, we stopped team registrations.
That means: 60 teams and 130 Hippyhobos will be on their way to Poland in 2 weeks!! We’re more than happy to hitch with so many great people for the 6th time!! Thumbs up and let the good times roll!
2. About switching a route – yes, possible till friday.
Recently, we had a lot of movement between the routes. Some teams cancelled their participation, others switched from Luigi to Yoshi, from Yoshi to Mario and so on. Right now, there is one free slot left on Yoshi (Breda) and Donkey Kong (Flensburg). Have a look into your Team Dashboard, if you find something else than a 0 in brackets in the “Choose Route” section behind the route names, you can move your team from one to another route. Till friday!
3. DonationCounter fills up
With the participation of everyone we already raised more than 3000 Euro. 307,5 thumbs for the WASH-Project of Viva con Agua in India & Nepal!! K.I.C.K.S ASS! =)
Let’s try to break last years record and crack the 15.000 Euro! Talk to your friends, neighbours and random people alongside the road and ask them for their thumb! Let’s push things forward and big things will happen! Everyone can contribute to this project with only 1 thumb (10 Euro).
4. Pimp ur Profile!
Most important: Pimp ur profile! Upload a nice picture of you and your hitchmate(s), have a little description about your awesomeness and it will be light years easier to find some TeamSponsors! To pimp ur profile click here: https://tramprennen.org/participate/team-dashboard/
5. PreOpenings in the starting cities
We’re going to have little Pre-Meetings in the starting cities, so everyone will get to know each other a day before the race starts. Please be in your city (Breda, Flensburg, Mainz, Eisenach, Hamburg) on Thursday, 15th of August. The exact meeting point will be announced next week, no worries (usually a small pub).
6. Be a Local Hero: Newspapers, Radios, TV, Blogs
We want to promote the art and beauty of hitchhiking as a common way of travelling! Get in touch with your local newspapers or radio stations and tell them what you’re planning to do. Every article is great and counts. Last year we received a letter from a 96 year old guy who wrote about his hitchhiking stories from the 20s & 30s – just because he read about Tramprennen somewhere in a newspaper! :)
Media Infos can be downloaded here: https://tramprennen.org/about-us/presse/ (english) and here https://tramprennen.org/de/uber-uns/presse/ (german)
That’s it for now!
We’re looking forward to kick everyone’s ass soon! :)
Cheeerios and Happy Hitchhiking!
Tramprennen 2013 – final words
/in News“There’s a load of craziness out there, but this is definitely the center.” – the owner of the campground in Zgon, the small Masurian village, is still standing on the edge of his parking lot in disbelief, scratching his head with a smile across his face.
He did not count on 130 hitchhikers today.
And how should he? No one prepared him for it: The road in front of his campground is the official end of a 2-week journey through Europe. Since around noon vehicles are regularly stopping here: Cars, vans, transporters, sometimes even 40-foot timber trucks. Backpacks and hitchhikers are emerging from their doors, until late in the night. Sometimes they arrive from the left, sometimes from the right and sometimes from both directions at the same time.
And finally everybody reached: 130 hitchhikers from all over Europe (and Uruguay) – alive & well, full of hippie- and happiness! Two weeks and a few thousand kilometers earlier we had started from Breda, Eisenach, Flensburg, Hamburg and Mainz to head towards Poland’s famous region full of lakes. While on the road, a ton of things happened yet again and the one universal reflection we can come up with is this: You are the awesomest, most kaput and loveliest nut cases that one can amass in one place!
Survey: As every year, we’d like to gather your thoughts on what was nice as well as what part of the race you did not like. Please give us 5 minutes of your busy lives and tell us your honest opinion (Link to the survey is listed in our latest newsletter).
16230 Euros for the WASH-Project in India and Nepal !
The final number is 1623 thumbs! All participants together collected 16230 Euros for our charity partner Viva con Agua de Sankt Pauli e.V.! The money will be forwarded to the current WASH-Project of the German Welthungerhilfe in India & Nepal.
Yet another awesome job by you! Thanks to every participant and donor for this many thumbs up! Every single Euro will help to improve the sanitary situation in both countries. 2.4 billion people (!) worldwide do not have adequate access to sanitary facilities. Even more important that monetary donations: Every time this fact is mentioned in conversation helps as well. The times in which the product of your metabolism (colloquially: the shit) should be flushed and forgotten are over! Sanitation matters! #WeGiveAShit
Daring to look into the future: Tramprennen 2014 – the seventh year
What’s the future of Tramprennen?
One thing’s for sure: We will be back next summer!
Likely with a few changes and novelties, though. Aside the annual main event, a good number of secondary projects have established themselves in the past: The easter action and the magazine, for instance. Also, we are looking at a board game, a permanent live ticker and a few other ideas. Creativity knows no boundaries…
What we really want to say is this: Be a part of it! Get involved in Tramprennen!
Let’s inform even more people about the most fun way of traveling. We are planning a large meet-up with all hitchhikers before the end of this year to develop and reform the current projects and also kick-off new ones. Further information well follow in a separate mail soon.
For those who can’t wait: Feel free to contact us already (gro.nennerpmartnull@ofni) and/or have a look at this PDF from January 2013.
Finally we’d like to say Thanks to everybody who supported Tramprennen 2013, in whatever way, shape or form! The list of small and large contribution is sheer endless, which is why we don’t want to make an explicit list. Please feel addressed!
We can’t wait for the future!
Hauke, Pille, Marco, Ole, Simone, Malte, Hack, Wuddich & Pascal
Newsletter #2 – Route cancellation, DonationCounter, Be a Local Hero, Pimp ur Profile
/in News, Tramprennen 2013A Happy Day!
Two weeks left and the race is on!
These are the news you need for the moment. Please read them carefully, otherwise you might miss some useful information.
1. Registration Stop and cancellation of route Peach
In good old Tramprennen tradition we cancelled one route due to missing teams. Sorry Peach and thanks for being with us till now. Since we’re preparing the Hitchpackages this weekend and every route has 10 to 12 teams now, we stopped team registrations.
That means: 60 teams and 130 Hippyhobos will be on their way to Poland in 2 weeks!! We’re more than happy to hitch with so many great people for the 6th time!! Thumbs up and let the good times roll!
2. About switching a route – yes, possible till friday.
Recently, we had a lot of movement between the routes. Some teams cancelled their participation, others switched from Luigi to Yoshi, from Yoshi to Mario and so on. Right now, there is one free slot left on Yoshi (Breda) and Donkey Kong (Flensburg). Have a look into your Team Dashboard, if you find something else than a 0 in brackets in the “Choose Route” section behind the route names, you can move your team from one to another route. Till friday!
3. DonationCounter fills up
With the participation of everyone we already raised more than 3000 Euro. 307,5 thumbs for the WASH-Project of Viva con Agua in India & Nepal!! K.I.C.K.S ASS! =)
Let’s try to break last years record and crack the 15.000 Euro! Talk to your friends, neighbours and random people alongside the road and ask them for their thumb! Let’s push things forward and big things will happen! Everyone can contribute to this project with only 1 thumb (10 Euro).
4. Pimp ur Profile!
Most important: Pimp ur profile! Upload a nice picture of you and your hitchmate(s), have a little description about your awesomeness and it will be light years easier to find some TeamSponsors! To pimp ur profile click here: https://tramprennen.org/participate/team-dashboard/
5. PreOpenings in the starting cities
We’re going to have little Pre-Meetings in the starting cities, so everyone will get to know each other a day before the race starts. Please be in your city (Breda, Flensburg, Mainz, Eisenach, Hamburg) on Thursday, 15th of August. The exact meeting point will be announced next week, no worries (usually a small pub).
6. Be a Local Hero: Newspapers, Radios, TV, Blogs
We want to promote the art and beauty of hitchhiking as a common way of travelling! Get in touch with your local newspapers or radio stations and tell them what you’re planning to do. Every article is great and counts. Last year we received a letter from a 96 year old guy who wrote about his hitchhiking stories from the 20s & 30s – just because he read about Tramprennen somewhere in a newspaper! :)
Media Infos can be downloaded here: https://tramprennen.org/about-us/presse/ (english) and here https://tramprennen.org/de/uber-uns/presse/ (german)
That’s it for now!
We’re looking forward to kick everyone’s ass soon! :)
Cheeerios and Happy Hitchhiking!
Oldschool: Hitchhiking.
/inA couple of days ago we received a letter from a 96 year old german pensioner.
He read in a Mainzer newspaper about the Tramprennen, which inspired him to write us something about the trips he has done back in the days.
Back in the days means: in the twenties and thirties of the last century. BÄM!!!
And guess what: they had a kind of tramprennen these days: Tramprennens ancestor! :)
But…read by yourself! (its german, cause the letter is in german. maybe we’ll translate it later
Sehr geehrte Damen und Herren,
der Artikel “Per Anhalter…” von Ute Strunk in der
Mainzer AZ hat mich sehr auf-, nein angeregt, denn
ich war einst auch Tramper, und zwar in der eigent-
lichen Blütezeit dieses Reisegenusses, in den 20er
und 30er Jahren (nicht die des Zweiten “Runs” erst
in den 60er bis 80er Jahren.
Was ich Ihnen erzählen will, werden Sie z.T.
wohl wissen.
Erstens: Damals gab es so gut wie keine Autobahnen
und schnelle Autos für schnellen Verkehr. Man
stellte sich an den Straßenrand und fand immer
eine gute Seele, die mit 80-100km/h vorbeikam.
Die Tramper waren fast ausschließlich Ange-
hörige der Bündischen Jugend (auch später zur
Nazizeit, obwohl sie “aufgelöst” waren).
Unsere “Fahrten”, so sagten wir damals, fanden
in Deutschland, nicht darüberhinaus statt.
Wir hatten eine solche Routine entwickelt, daß
wir uns zu einer (fast) festen Zeit da oder
dort wiedertreffen wollten, z.B. von
Dresden aus in Leipzig.
Besondere Reise- und damit Erlebnisse waren:
1935 (wir auf dem Darß) als Hindenburg noch
einmal zum Reichspräsidenten gewählt wurde.
Wir erlebten’s vor unserem Zelt am Lagerfeuer.
1936 Olympische Spiele. Fahrt nach Finn-
land (Stettin-Helsinki und zurück).
Um dieses “zurück” geht’s jetzt. Das Fähr-
schiff gehörte einer finnischen Reederei.
Soweit war alles schön und friedlich. Doch kaum
auf Stettiner, d.h. deutschem Boden fiel
eine Horde HJ-Jungen über uns her: wir
wußten nun sehr genau, wo wir wieder waren.
Kleine Freundschaften, Individualität, alle, auch falsche Roman-
tik: Adé! * Der II. Weltkrieg begann auch
noch in den Dreißigern.
Das in Kürze. Was und wie immer Kolle-
gin Strunk oder Sie das geldbringend
verwerten können, es sei zu Gunsten von
PS. Entschuldigung wegen Schriftbild und
Pannen, mit 96 geht’s nicht mehr so
*Aber auch das:
Ein Autolenker war zu dem Tramper sehr
lieb – dachte er, aber es ging für ihn ohne
Anzeige und für mich ohne Peinlichkeit ab
Adé, adé, alles adé.
More or less 4 weeks before the race begins..
/inHeyo and a Happy Hello to everyone from Planet Tramprennen 2013!
We got some news, more or less 4 weeks before this years
race begins:
1. Fundraising for Viva con Agua & the explosion of our Donation
2. We’re now starting in Freiburg and not in Luzern anymore
3. We need YOU: design the Tramprennen 2013 sticker
1. Whoop whoop and shizzle the thumb!
After almost all the routes are full and we have hardly space for all
the hippie-doodles to join, once more we all did it! We reached and
raised already more than 2000 Euros, in numbers twothousend, f***ng
Euros for the WASH projekt! Made possible by the most beautiful thing
that could have happened to tramprennen: YOU! Keep the spirit alive,
make the thumb explode and stay rebel!
We love you…
2. Route Peach now starts in Freiburg
For various reasons we decided to make a last minute swap for one
route. Route Peach will start in Freiburg, not in Luzern (Switzerland)
anymore. See the different stages of Peach here:
And keep in mind: The race is nearly full, so if you want to rock the road with us this year be fast with registration, do your homework and choose one of the two routes with free slots. We have already 74 registered teams and just 72 slots, but all that counts are the confirmed teams.
3. Design the Tramprennen 2013 Sticker!
Ever dreamed of having your own word promoting hitchhiking spread all
around the world at once? Easy. Just send us a proposition for this
year stickers for the race and everybody will receive it in their
Don’t forget to include “www.tramprennen.org” on the sticker and
ship your project in a decent printable file (eps or 300dpi raster,
best in tiff, flattened or vectorized special fonts) latest on 23rd
july at gro.nennerpmartnull@ofni
The best one (if any) will become road
That’s it for the moment, we’re looking forward to kick ass with you
people in a couple of weeks!
A big cheeerio!
Route Toad is looking for Team #12, DonationCounter fills up!
/inGood Morning, Sunshine!
5 weeks until the 6th Edition of Tramprennen starts!
This is what happened and happens in the previous and next days and weeks.
I. DFDS Team on route Toad: Get the last remaining slot
You’ve probably been a bit confused why there are only 11 of 12 possible teams on our ferry route “Toad”, but you couldn’t choose the last remaining slot for your team. Well, this year we have a very special cooperation with the ferry company DFDS Seaways, who sponsors around 35 ferry tickets and donates 1 Euro per hitchhiked Kilometer to the WASH-Projects of Viva con Agua. And here is the clue: The team, which will be hitchhiking for 1 Euro/km will be chosen by DFDS.
If you absolutely wanna hitch on that route, you can apply for the last remaining slot and become part of the “DFDS Team”. For further information just follow this link: https://www.ahoi-reiseberichte.de/dfds-tramprennen-team/
II. Donation Counter fills up!
The Donation Counter fills up constantly. Earlier than never before in the history of Tramprennen! A big thank you and THUMBS UP to every team who already got TeamSponsors or even TeamOwners! So far 152.5 thumbs are supporting us on the way to Poland!! We’re curious how many more digital hitchhikers will follow!!

Especially the HitchVikings from Route DonkyKong are doing a great job!! :)
III. Routes are filling up
For now we have 46 out of 72 confirmed teams. Another 22 teams are in the pipeline and still need to hand in some Homework. This means: 68/72 Teams. We expect to be full this year! Awesome!! Just as a hint: Due to missing capacities we’re not gonna open a seventh route. So if you wanna join Tramprennen 2013, you’d better be fast ;)
IV. Soap Bubbles.
Don’t forget to get your soap bubble machine. It’s a great tool.
That’s it for the moment!!
Love, Peace and Happiness!!
The TR13-Crew!