18th of August – 1st of September: Tramprennen 2012 to Romania
Check the destination on Gmaps: Tramprennen 2012, final destination Lacal Surduc, Romania
After discussing a few destinations for this years race we finally decided to hitchhike to Romania this year. You will probably ask yourself “Again Romania?” and refer that question to Tramprennen 2010 which led us from Hamburg to the Vama Veche to the Black Sea two years ago. The answer is simple: Yes! because we loved Romania so much that we can’t wait to hitch there again.
Additionally, there are two major changes:
1. Most routes will go through Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic and partly the Ucraine, countries we haven’t hitched in yet in one of the past 4 races since 2008.
2. The final meeting place is not at the Black Sea, but in the region of Temes at a small lake, more close to Serbia and Hungary.
The race will start on Saturday, the 18th of August and officially ends at the Surduc Lake after 2 weeks, the 1st of September. We’re currently working on the routes and planning to have 6 of them, starting from 5 or 6 different cities this year. The starting points and stages on the way to Romania are not finally determined yet. 6 routes means, we’re probably going to be 72 teams and appx. 150 people taking part in Tramprennen 2012 (1 route = 12 teams = 25 hitchhikers). Crazy shit! It’s a big challenge to get the whole shizzl organized and like every year – an experiment! And we’re looking forward to have again a big time with all of you on the road, keeping this project special and beautiful! :)
The next months and further information
At the moment we’re working on a new website, a renewal of the registration and donation tool, a better navigation through the whole page and especially the Live-Section. So hopefully everyone who can’t join the race will be able to follow us online. Stuff like the SMS Liveticker will get addtional options like MMS and Comments, so we can finally send pictures straight from the road to the website and keep friends, family and followers up to date.
We plan to start with registrations in the middle/end of May. As in previous years, teams will be formed out of 2 or three people, at least one of them needs to be male for safety reasons. Please consider this rule if you’re already searching for a hitchmate or plan to attend the race.
We’re also working on a Hitchpackage for everyone with useful and funny stuff again, but for the moment we can’t definitely say something about the inside. Because almost every hitchhiker from last year wanted to have a Hitchpackage we decided to make it obligatory for everyone this year to save time and have less burocratic work. We hope you’ll understand and respect this decision :).
Tramprennen – Since 2008 a hitchhike race for Viva con Agua and clear drinking water
2012 is the 5th year of Tramprennen and as in previous years, we will not just organize the race just for fun, but also to support the drinking water projects of Viva con Agua in cooperation with the Welthungerhilfe. Every participating hitchhiker is asked to find sponsors for their team, who donate 1, 2 or more Cents for each hitchhiked kilometer on the way to Romania. In the past two years we altogether managed to raise more than 25.000 Euro for drinking water projects in Burkina Faso, Rwanda and Guatemala! :)
Let’s go nuts again this year and help to provide clean drinking water for more people on this beautiful planet – through the simple act of hitchhiking!
Check more about Viva con Agua on their website www.vivaconagua.org
We’re looking forward to everything that comes in the next months and weeks, looking forward to hit the road again for two weeks with a bunch of crazy, lovely people, looking forward to share and listen to hundreds of thousands of amazing stories from and beside the road! :)
If you have any questions, concerns, suggestions or simply wanna leave some nice words – we’re happy to hear from you, so get in touch with us! :)
Through the newsletter, facebook and the website we’ll try to keep everyone up to date with informations about what’s going on with Tramprennen 2012! :)
And now let’s dance! :)
TR Crew :)
Any questions or concerns?
Drop us a line to: gro.nennerpmartnull@ofni!