Haensel's Hoffnungsvolle Hitchhikers

Team Picture

Two weeks through Europe by thumb. Why?

because every good story starts with hitchhiking

Why should a lift take us along?

we will bring a guitar, a triangle, a tambourin, a rattle egg, the good will of rhythm and a camera and …

Our best Autostop-experience so far

ups – SPOILER ALERT (tbc in our story)

Our goal for the race

Fun, Fun, Fun!

For a Donation we would...

once upon a time three hitchhikers on the road … (1) will replay your favorite movie scene on the back seat of a car (2) will play/ perform a song by your choice alongside the road (3) will collect typical ingredients from the places/ countries they'll pass and create a tramprennen recipe – sharing afterwards (this is what can be told about the story so far, so feel free to add something)

Anne (31)
Sarah (32)
René (35)

Current Race Rank: 42
Current Route Rank: 6

Every good story starts with an H … So this is ours:

Putting the three characters into a box is nearly impossible for us. But as far as we can promise: for us the beauty of life is where it’s at, authentic; we share the feeling of pure curiosity to discover new surroundings and cultures.

So the story we will tell alongside the road has not been written down yet, however it will be worth telling and listening to.

Here is the deal: if you be one of the coolest persons and sponsor our team, and we are really thankful for any donation, you'll get our story to read in retreat (in dutch, german or english!) – it might be a comedy, a drama or a really good bed time story; for all we know it's the best story you will read this year – therefor you have to trust us.

Ticker messages


Haensel's Hoffnungsvolle Hitchhikers

Anne, Sarah, René

Monday, September 7th 17:41

Diese kleine Büchlein ist in Podgorica liegen geblieben und mittlerweile nach Deutschland weitergetrempt. Wohin soll die Reise weitergehen? Vermisst es vielleicht jm aus dem Team LÖLIS?

Haensel's Hoffnungsvolle Hitchhikers

Anne, Sarah, René

Thursday, September 3rd 16:18

orted us, we're coming home soon! :)

Haensel's Hoffnungsvolle Hitchhikers

Anne, Sarah, René

Thursday, September 3rd 16:18

hitchhikers, now we enjoy and party:) thanks for everyone that supp

Haensel's Hoffnungsvolle Hitchhikers

Anne, Sarah, René

Thursday, September 3rd 16:18

ination, omarë in albania!! Amazing feeling to be greeted by a 100

Haensel's Hoffnungsvolle Hitchhikers

Anne, Sarah, René

Thursday, September 3rd 16:18

Jaaaaa, haensel's hoffungslose hitchhikers have arrived at the dest

Haensel's Hoffnungsvolle Hitchhikers

Anne, Sarah, René

Sunday, August 30th 15:17

Happy Birthday Propeller!!! Keep rolling rolling rolling :-D

Haensel's Hoffnungsvolle Hitchhikers

Anne, Sarah, René

Saturday, August 29th 20:22

ki hebt uns Bier fuer morgen auf - haha) Alles Liebe, Rene, Sarah und Anne xxx

Haensel's Hoffnungsvolle Hitchhikers

Anne, Sarah, René

Saturday, August 29th 20:22

- einem deutsch-italienischen Paar! Das Leben ist schoen :) Visegrad wir kommen morgen! P.s. Route Cottbus viel spass beim Geburtstagsreinfeiern (Team Al

Haensel's Hoffnungsvolle Hitchhikers

Anne, Sarah, René

Saturday, August 29th 20:22

Eigentlich wollten wir nur fuer ein Bild am Strassenrand halten ... Jetzt schlafen wir in einem der schoensten Bauernhaeuser in Bosnien mit unserem Lift

Haensel's Hoffnungsvolle Hitchhikers

Anne, Sarah, René

Saturday, August 29th 14:01

Just got a new hair cut on our way to Visegrad.


Team Owner


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