Johannes, Anna, Stephanie
Sunday, August 30th 15:36
Get the beer cold we are in our final lift. Visegrad.
Haensel's Hoffnungsvolle Hitchhikers
Anne, Sarah, René
Sunday, August 30th 15:17
Happy Birthday Propeller!!! Keep rolling rolling rolling :-D
Anna, Philipp
Sunday, August 30th 14:57
Von Einheimischen zum Essen eingeladen worden :)
Sebastian, Marie-Luise, Janna
Sunday, August 30th 12:09
Tja, zum sonntag mittag ist auf serbischen landstraßen halt genauso viel los wie daheim: nichts.
Johannes, Anna, Stephanie
Sunday, August 30th 12:02
Thanks for the birthday wishes I am back on track heading to visegrad. Emergencie Albatros is in the back so nothing can go wrong. See you in a bit Johannes.
Johannes, Anna, Stephanie
Sunday, August 30th 12:02
Thanks for the birthday wishes I am back on track heading to visegrad. Emergencie Albatros is in the back so nothing can go wrong. See you in a bit Johannes.
Johannes, Anna, Stephanie
Sunday, August 30th 11:33
Ok,we found him. now on the way to visegrad :) we can highly recommend Sarajevo for a stop-over :)
Thu, Graham
Sunday, August 30th 10:29
Gorgeous hitchers are still on the beautiful serbian mountains with MaJo and Pi mal Daumen having breakfast and enjoying fresh air! We're afraid that we won't be able to leave this place..
Donations for Viva con Agua and PRO ASYL