Hello you travel folk :-)

The legendary hitchhiking-race is going to take place again from 19th of august until the 03rd of September 2016. The destination will be Tsigov Chark (Bulgaria). This year, we are planning to create an alternative route. This route will be non competitive!

We are going to start the same day as the other hitchhikers and want to arrive the same day in Bulgaria. We want to travel as a big group consisting of several „Teams“ as well. We will travel to Tsigov Chark in stages. As far as possible, the way should be made entirely by hitchhiking. But don’t worry- nobody is going to kill or expell you if you have to take a coach or a train. First-time-hitchhikers are invited to come! They can rely on the support of the old BUNNYS (meaning old-timers). For us, it is not important to collect scores but beautiful memorys!

Our route is going to start in Halle an der Saale (Hafenstraße 7 – „Hasi“). We are going to meet at the destination of every stage and hope to become a good group and to really get together. Anyway, we do not want to fix up permanent teams (so there will not be the „man-woman-team-rule“) and we are very open for discussions in question of the stages we want to arrive at. We want to be a free route with as less rules and as most fun as possible.

We clearly do not want to be in competition with the hitchhiking race but an addition, an experiment… We feel close to the philosophy of the race and we also want to collect money for „Viva con Agua“ as well as for „Pro Asyl“. Mostly, we want to support traveling by hitchhiking. We also hope to get support of the official hitchhiking race (meaning that we get the packages including pencils, stickers, t-shirts and SIM cards. We also hope to participate at the great „Liveticker“).

We are looking forward to questions, ideas and criticism in this forum and we hope that you all participate actively.
So thumbs up everyone!!!

The Hippie-Route 2016 is organized by Anton Mörstedt and supported by Club of Roam - Autostop! e.V.