Jung, dynamisch und erfolglos!

Team Picture

How far would you go to win a stage?

Quer durch Europa trampen und über die Donau schwimmen. Hitchhike through Europe and swim across the Donau.

What shouldn't be missing in your hitchhiking-backpack?

Bier, Spaß und gute Laune. Beer, fun and a great mood.

Your Grandma's opinion:


You are ...

... hobby-hitchhikers

How do you imagine your final arrival to Udënisht?

Auf einem Adler reiten wir über die Ziellinie und stürzen uns auf die Siegertrophäe. Riding an eagle to grab the price.

Stefan (24)
Annbritt (25)

Current Race Rank: 16
Current Route Rank: 5

Bayerische Kultur trifft auf Norddeutsche Sitten.

Unser Tagesplan für dieses Rennen:

Aufwachen. Überleben! Pizza essen! Schlafen gehen.

Bavarian culture meets conventions from northern germany.

Our daily schedule for this race:

Wake up! Survive! Eat Pizza! Sleep!

Ticker messages

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Jung, dynamisch und erfolglos!

Stefan, Annbritt

Wednesday, August 21st 10:34

We are on our way:)

Jung, dynamisch und erfolglos!

Stefan, Annbritt

Monday, August 19th 22:35

Our campfire for tonight at the lake. Thank you Benedikt :)

Jung, dynamisch und erfolglos!

Stefan, Annbritt

Monday, August 19th 19:58

We arrived and we brought beer :)

Jung, dynamisch und erfolglos!

Stefan, Annbritt

Monday, August 19th 19:02

We finally left Brno and are back on the road :)

Jung, dynamisch und erfolglos!

Stefan, Annbritt

Monday, August 19th 13:18

Thump up picked us up and we are on our way to the highway :) Goldmesseryoga, we are coming for you!

Jung, dynamisch und erfolglos!

Stefan, Annbritt

Monday, August 19th 11:56

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Jung, dynamisch und erfolglos!

Stefan, Annbritt

Sunday, August 18th 19:32

Competition who cooks the best rice :)

Jung, dynamisch und erfolglos!

Stefan, Annbritt

Sunday, August 18th 11:14

A whole ritual for making coffee

Jung, dynamisch und erfolglos!

Stefan, Annbritt

Saturday, August 17th 22:05

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Route Babel fish is at a camping ground now :)

Jung, dynamisch und erfolglos!

Stefan, Annbritt

Saturday, August 17th 19:08

We made it!

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You can be a Owner after the donation process has been started!

Team Sponsors

Schön, dass ihr angekommen seid :)
Wish you a nice hike, best experiences, always friendly people - and me a postcard ;-)
I wish you a bunch of good rides, beers, and always a good coffee when you need it! May someone cook scrambled eggs for you in the morning, as Jagge and I would do. Maybe see you in Bosnia? Love & Peace
Woman that gave us a lift

You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!