Dr. Tramplove - or how I learned to stop a car and love the road

Team Picture

How far would you go to win a stage?

Take a Taxi and tell nobody about it! Why? Because we are just as rich as David Guetta!

What shouldn't be missing in your hitchhiking-backpack?

one thump each; one Kasten Flens; four days' concentrated emergency rations; one drug issue containing antibiotics, morphine, vitamin pills, pep pills, sleeping pills, tranquilizer pills; one miniature combination Russian phrase book and Bible; one hundred dollars in rubles; one hundred dollars in gold; nine packs of chewing gum; one issue of prophylactics; three lipsticks; three pair of nylon stockings...

Your Grandma's opinion:

Koboldmakis sind die süßesten Tiere der Welt!

You are ...

... the Kings and Queens of the Road!

How do you imagine your final arrival to Boracko Jezero?

with a Kasten Flensburger Pilsner of course

Luisa (33)
Jonas (34)

Current Race Rank: 5
Current Route Rank: 2

Motto: Peace is our Profession.

Plot: Paranoid Brigadier General Jack D. Hitch of Purpletown Air Balloon Base, believing that the trumpization of the American policy is a Soviet plot to poison the worldpeace, is able to deploy through a back door mechanism a peace attack on the Soviet Union without the knowledge of his superiors, including the Chair of the Joint Chiefs of the holy road, General Alex Supertramp, and President Cher Chastity. Only Hitch knows the code to stop a Porsche and he has shut down traffic in and out of Purpletown as a measure to protect his people. Meanwhile at the Pentagon Social Media Room, key persons including Hitch, Beyonce, Supertramp, Chastity, Til Schweiger and peace scientist and adviser, a former Hippigirl named Dr. Tramplove, are discussing measures to stop the hate & send everybody on the road and into the all...

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Dr. Tramplove - or how I learned to stop a car and love the road

Luisa, Jonas

Wednesday, August 22nd 23:17

And again for the not german-speaking folk: :) We're at the campsite in Gyekenyes and are looking forward to see everybody here tomorrow. It costs about 6€ per person and night and you can pay with crédit card. The next ATM is about 11 km away, so if you have the opportunity, get some cash somewhere else before you arrive here! Great food and cold beer is waiting here for you ;) Good nicht everybody and See you tomorrow!

Dr. Tramplove - or how I learned to stop a car and love the road

Luisa, Jonas

Wednesday, August 22nd 20:42

Campingplatz kann auch mit Kreditkarte gezahlt werden!

Dr. Tramplove - or how I learned to stop a car and love the road

Luisa, Jonas

Wednesday, August 22nd 19:49

Disco Partizanis! Wir ziehen um zum Campingplatz "Kek To Kemping" direkt am Ortseingang. Warten da auf euch :* Kostet ca. 6 Euro pP und Nacht. Geldautomat und Penny gibts m Nachbarort 11 km weiter, also falls ihr noch de Chance habt, hebt nochmal Geld ab!

Dr. Tramplove - or how I learned to stop a car and love the road

Luisa, Jonas

Wednesday, August 22nd 18:07

There is no ATM in gyékényes, so try to get Money on the Way!

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Dr. Tramplove - or how I learned to stop a car and love the road

Luisa, Jonas

Wednesday, August 22nd 17:54

Whoop whoop!!

Dr. Tramplove - or how I learned to stop a car and love the road

Luisa, Jonas

Wednesday, August 22nd 17:41

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Dr. Tramplove - or how I learned to stop a car and love the road

Luisa, Jonas

Wednesday, August 22nd 17:05

Short cigarette break and zehn to Geyekenyes... Mr. Flens wart’s in the Carl!

Dr. Tramplove - or how I learned to stop a car and love the road

Luisa, Jonas

Wednesday, August 22nd 15:42

Was tun bei Sonnenbrand? Richtig, einfach die ganze Zeit in klimatisierten Autos sitzen!

Dr. Tramplove - or how I learned to stop a car and love the road

Luisa, Jonas

Wednesday, August 22nd 15:07

Jonas promised me a truck and 5min later he got us lift number 7

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So Mausis, weil ich finde, dass die Suffi Etappe letztes Jahr die Schönste war folgende Aufgabe:

Beginnt eine der verbleibenden Etappen mit mindestens 0,5 Promille im Blut, jeweils.

Ihr bekommt nochmal 20, wenn ihr am Ziel der selben Etappe mit mindestens 1,0 Promille (natürlich ebenfalls in euch und jeweils) ankommt. Da ihr wahrscheinlich kein Messgerät dabei habt: seid einfach den ganzen Tag betrunken. Ich vertrau euch da.

Kussi Kussi und Prost!

Dr. Beenbeard & Dr Doesntwork
Bee cool & chill as your aunt & bring the flens over the grenz:)))!!!!!
Good luck and marvelous lifts
Die Hasienda schiebt wieder mit an <3
Snake Nina on a car
Ich find Bier blöd. Aber Postkarten super! Adresse schick ich euch per Handy ;) Viel Spaß und möge die Trampmacht mit euch sein! Dicke Tramprennen-Alumni-Schlangen-Umarmung
Hey Dr. Tramplove, here is your challenge: learn a little nice and friendly song in local language from your car-drivers/lift-hosts and present it at the last evening to everybody ;-o Make everybody sing along!! Have fun, love from home mummy
Ich finde ja, Bier kann man zu allem tragen;););)
Viel Spaß ihr Honigmäuse!

Freue mich euch in Bosnien wiederzusehen :)

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