
Team Picture

How far would you go to win a stage?

Schlager hören, wenn der Lift gut ist.

What shouldn't be missing in your hitchhiking-backpack?

Extra viele Sticker, Edding und Mexikaner.

Your Grandma's opinion:

Schon wieder sowas für Viva con Agua?

You are ...

... hobby-hitchhikers

How do you imagine your final arrival to Baltieji Lakajai?

Eingeflogen in einem Helikopter.

Johannes (29)
Maren (30)

Current Race Rank: 18
Current Route Rank: 6

Ticker messages



Johannes, Maren

Tuesday, September 5th 7:11

Grandma says nicht bummeln, get shit heftig done Are finally in berlin

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Johannes, Maren

Thursday, August 31st 17:34

Now swimming


Johannes, Maren

Thursday, August 31st 11:25

2nd place! Now going with the last lift for barbecue. See you later.

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Johannes, Maren

Thursday, August 31st 9:40

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On the way to vilnius together with gira express and the social point


Johannes, Maren

Monday, August 28th 18:56

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We got the flag from grandma racing team.


Johannes, Maren

Monday, August 28th 15:55

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After quite some time at a bad spot we are now finally heading to the border. Kenning west saved us while waiting


Johannes, Maren

Sunday, August 27th 14:52

Directlift to the hostel together with intim im team. :)

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Johannes, Maren

Saturday, August 26th 17:07

Hitchhiking a bus with a football team, while lewandoski scores... Cheering and applause


Johannes, Maren

Saturday, August 26th 15:14

At the last service station before warszawa. Nobody joining us? Anyway, not a good spot. Try to avoid it if possible...


Johannes, Maren

Saturday, August 26th 13:41

6th lift to warszawa! #stillarace


Team Owner


No Owner yet.
You can be a Owner after the donation process has been started!

Team Sponsors

Flo Sarbas
Wünsche euch eine grandiose Zeit und mindestens genauso grandiose Lifts! Genießt es und lasst uns dann nach der Rückkehr an vielen, tollen Stories teilhaben! <3
1 Anonymous Sponsor(s)

You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!