Team Chaos goes Europe

Team Picture

Two weeks through Europe by thumb. Why?

Philipp: It is a new experience for me, I loved the whole athmosphere I saw last year although I was only a lift and for me it's great that we collect money for VcA and Pro Asyl. Anna: It is a great oppertunity to make hitchhiking become more popular and to get to know more about the eastern cultures. Apart from that we want to support WASH projects and the aid to refugees.

Why should a lift take us along?

Because we have secret superpowers and we will make your wishes come true. (And because we can sing the Barbie Girl Song... ;)

Our best Autostop-experience so far

Philipp: At the last years Tramprennen I was a lift for 6 participants and we played cards and got drunk in our motor home on the way from Austria to Hungary. Anna: Last year I hitchhiked with a friend from Hamburg to Oslo which was an exciting experience. We met so many friendly people who helped us in every situation and made our trip memorable.

Our goal for the race

Fun, Fun, Fun!

For a Donation we would...

Wash your car, press your trousers, built a water well,... Just make suggestions, we are open to nearly everything.

Anna (28)
Philipp (33)

Current Race Rank: 46
Current Route Rank: 8

Former Team Barbie& Ken, we changed the name because of our team owner :)

She doesn't look like Barbie and he doesn't look like Ken, but together they are a dreamteam like Barbie&Ken!!!

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Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Saturday, August 22nd 20:41

An Thomas: Vielen Lieben Dank für deine Spende! Wir haben es sehr genossen bei dir Mitfahren zu dürfen. :) Wir kommen gerne mal wieder mit! Alles Liebe von Anna und Philipp

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Saturday, August 22nd 20:30

Barbie & Ken alias Team Chaos goes Europe is lost before Jihlava... We'll try to reach Trebic in the next 2 hours.

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Saturday, August 22nd 15:05

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Czech Border

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Saturday, August 22nd 15:04

TR 2015

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Saturday, August 22nd 14:33

Tramprennen ahoi :) Vielen Lieben Dank an alle die uns bis jetzt mitgenommen und verpflegt haben♡

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Saturday, August 22nd 13:44

Mittagessen in Bautzen :) Ein Hoch auf unseren Lift ♡ #landstraßeläuft

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Saturday, August 22nd 1:33

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Route Cottbus steht in den Startlöchern :)

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Saturday, August 22nd 1:29

Team Chaos hat sich gefunden!! aber jetzt wird erst mal geschlafen... :D ☆★

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Friday, August 21st 18:44

So die 2.Hälfte von Team Chaos ist nun auch endlich auf dem Weg nach Cottbus :) nur noch ca.5 Stunden...

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Monday, August 17th 20:22

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auf gehts ab gehts >> 4daysleft

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