Graf Pingula
Two weeks through Europe by thumb. Why?
Roger: Because Max convinced me at the Fusion to join the race again and Katja is also happy to seesome people from last year and to meet some new crazy people & places
Why should a lift take us along?
We have got a Penguin and a Ukulele.
Our best Autostop-experience so far
Roger: I met a lot of crazy, intelligent and awesome people. And also hitchin a Ferrari, get paid a full meal and at the end 20 Euros ;)
Katja: getting a 650km lift to my hometown, although that was not the aimed destination.
Our goal for the race
Upper Midfield. And a stage victory.
For a Donation we would...
Sell my famous Adidas sweat suit.
Dye my hair in your favourite colour or get a nice haircut.
Roger (35)
Katja (35)
Current Race Rank: 39
Current Route Rank: 7
Asterix United! This Team is formed by the former members of "Los Perroflautas" and "Erster". So it's obvious, that this Team has a lot of hitchhiking Experience. At least 5000km this spring (including several times Romania - Lüneburg - Barcelona). So get READY for Ukulele, Penguin ACTION!
Check us out on Facebook: (we're going to sell some funny stuff there!)
Ticker messages
Graf Pingula
Roger, Katja
Monday, August 31st 15:16
Und jetzt mal kurz Altstadt kucken in Dubrovnik... "Game of Thrones" tour very nice
Graf Pingula
Roger, Katja
Monday, August 31st 12:44
Sind auf der Straße nach Neum...etwas magenbelastend und ziemlich autofrei
Graf Pingula
Roger, Katja
Monday, August 31st 12:27
Graf pingula macht heute sightseeing ausflug...Mostar Dubrovnik kotor...wir nehmen heute alles MIT :-) direktlifte sind was feines
Graf Pingula
Roger, Katja
Monday, August 31st 11:30
Alte Brücke von Mostar gesehn, dann zur tanke und jetzt baaam, lift nach Kotor :)
Graf Pingula
Roger, Katja
Sunday, August 30th 0:00
Der Zeltplatz in ostrozac feiert. Bosnien rules.
Graf Pingula
Roger, Katja
Saturday, August 29th 16:15
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Heute mit zwei lifts zum fünften Platz auf der Sprint Etappe nach ostrozac. Jetzt erst mal schön füttern im Restaurant.
Graf Pingula
Roger, Katja
Saturday, August 29th 16:06
Juhu, angekommen in Ostrozac
Graf Pingula
Roger, Katja
Friday, August 28th 21:58
Pausentag neigt sich langsam dem ende. Die versammelte Route isst noch in einem supercoolen bosnischen Restaurant.
Graf Pingula
Roger, Katja
Thursday, August 27th 18:30
Heut morgen erst mal entspannt nen Kaffee trinken
Graf Pingula
Roger, Katja
Thursday, August 27th 17:59
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Hier is die ganze gang
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