Paul, Anna, Marie-Luise
Tuesday, August 30th 11:43
Erster Lift erstes Bier, wo bleibt der zweite?
Antje, Dennis
Tuesday, August 30th 11:41
Eben noch Raststättenromantik... Jetzt schon fast in Bulgarien whoop whoop
Petra, Federico
Tuesday, August 30th 11:37
5 minutes lift and we are at the border :D Bulgaria here we come!
Sandra, Malte
Tuesday, August 30th 11:29
is there someone who wants a lift to greece? but for now: welcome Bulgaria :) abgespaced and no money no problem startet last. let's see when we arrive :P
Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni
Tuesday, August 30th 11:01
@Emil: Polizisten fragen ob er einen sticker halten kann beim Foto! Wir rufen hier nicht zu kriminellen Handlungen auf.
Lea, Karl
Tuesday, August 30th 10:55
welcome to bulgaria looks pretty good today but its hot as fuck here
Lea, Karl
Tuesday, August 30th 10:55
welcome to bulgaria looks pretty good today but its hot as fuck here
Lea, Karl
Tuesday, August 30th 10:54
welcome to bulgaria looks pretty good today but its hot as fuck here
Lea, Karl
Tuesday, August 30th 10:54
welcome to bulgaria looks pretty good today but its hot as fuck here
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