Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni
Tuesday, August 30th 18:33
We took a look around.. We are definitly the most beautiful guys passing the border to bulgaria! Finally..picture comes later...
Johannes, Heike
Tuesday, August 30th 18:33
Last Ride to Sofia! And its a big one! A travel bus is taking us for free to Sofia. We earned this today by having the longest conversations, the most coffees and a yummy free lunch from a lift!
Jan, Jennifer
Tuesday, August 30th 18:23
Nach drei Stunden über 4 verschiedene Autobahnauffahrten hinter Skopje abgegrast (zu Fuß), jetzt endlich ein Direktlift nach Sofia. Vermutlich in guten drei Stunden da! #IWasToldThereWouldBeCars #HitchHikingMyFeet
Alex und grixi, Johannes
Tuesday, August 30th 18:17
Albatros-party bei lasse... Die deutsche botschaft in sofia ist auch dabei (
Kevin, Lisa
Tuesday, August 30th 18:13
Während unsere Lifts noch schnell im BILLA (!!einself!) einkaufen, passen wir mal eben auf den Gaul auf. We are not in danger, we are the danger! See you soon at Krystal Garden!
Simona, Lea, Simon
Tuesday, August 30th 18:05
Kutsche oder finaler Lift? #dilemmaofmylife
Wiebke, Mathias, Leonie
Tuesday, August 30th 17:56
Now making the last Kilometer into Sofia. Looking forward to meet all of you
Paul, Anna, Marie-Luise
Tuesday, August 30th 17:56
Irgendwer schon da? Wir suchen dann mal WLAN. #wozumteufelsindwirhier
Donations for Viva con Agua and PRO ASYL