Sebastian, Marie-Luise, Janna
Sunday, September 6th 12:05
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1/3 Hasen gammelt immer noch in Montenegro rum...
Christian, Laura
Tuesday, June 16th 21:06
driving our hitchhiking route almost exactly in other direction into north. Just you are much faster by hitchhiking than the 'Bummel-train'... :)
MaJo Hitchhiking Adventure Team
Johanna, Matze
Saturday, September 5th 21:02
We're back in Montenegro, seaside town of Budva. Travelling up the coast with 8 people from 5 different teams within the next few days.
Johannes, Anna, Stephanie
Saturday, September 5th 20:56
hoe and a fridge magnat. Great stuff. And the best is our spot for tonight will be the beach.
Johannes, Anna, Stephanie
Saturday, September 5th 20:56
I left steffi and ana and went to the seaside to budva with a couple of crazy Piggeldys. We had pretty nice rides got a bottle of wine a coffee a horse s
Sebastian, Marie-Luise, Janna
Saturday, September 5th 19:21
Wer ist denn noch so in podgorica Gestrandet?
Christian, Laura
Saturday, September 5th 18:04
After two excellent days in omare, thanks for all, awesome meetings with many drivers, families and several different people, beautiful landscape, and of couse a brilliant big travel team Piggeldy! We made it as 2nd of our Route and 11th in total but important were fun,fun,fun and lots of experiences in the last amazing two weeks! Thanks!
Wiebke, Paul
Saturday, September 5th 17:50
We are now with a crowd of people at the trainstation at podgorica to go via belgrad to budapest.
Christian, Laura
Saturday, September 5th 17:38
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Off to Budapest! Will be there tomorrow afternoon by overnight train!
Christine, Manuel
Saturday, September 5th 13:26
Das Tramprennen fand einen glorreichen Abschluss und wir sind nun zu zweit auf dem Weg in die albanischen Berge. Thethi Nationalpark!
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