Hey folks, this is a quick update about what’s going these days!
1. Fundraising Guide
We’re close to reach the 50 Cent/km, so almost 1000 Euro are inside of the water bucket! Awesomizzl, thanks and thumbs up for everyone who raised cents and told friends and family about the race so far! Keep on rocking!! Please remember that Viva con Agua and the WASH-project is big part of this project and it would be nice if everyone contributes :)
If you have a few doubts about fundraising, check out our hints in the fundrasing Guide:
German: Fundraising Guide
English: Fundraising Guide
2. Route Grover (Berchtesgaden) is cancelled
Let’s say in good old tradition we had to cancel one route a few weeks before the race starts. We prefer to have 5 full routes rather than 6 semi-equipped. Therefore Grover had to leave us…poor guy. We’ll probaby integrate a few meeting points to Oscar The Grouch (Bayreuth).
3. Route capacities and choosing a route
So far two routes are full: Ernie/Dresden (10/10) and Kermit/Copenhagen (10/10). Oscar (4/10), Bert/Leipzig (4/10) and Cookie Monster/Ghent (6/10) have slots left.
We received quite a few mails with the request to increase the number of maximum 10 teams per route so everyone can hitch the preferred route. We’re sorry, at the moment we can’t do that – otherwise some routes would have 16 teams, some only 6. If there will be more than 50 teams officially registered we will add slots to the 5 remaiing routes. First comes, first serves – in our opinion a fair way of handling every single team.
4. Talkactive hitchhikers for radio interview needed!
The german radio Channel You FM (www.you-fm.de) in the area of Hessen wants to report about the race before and after the start! We have quite a few hitchhikers from this region! Do you wanna give an interview about the race? :) It’s not necessary that you hitchhiked before or something, just go for it, it’s a lot of fun!
Please get in touch with Marco: gro.nennerpmartnull@ocram
5. Hitchpackages and Pre-Openings
To avoid misunderstandings: We will bring the Hitchpackages to the Pre-Opening in your starting city. About the Pre-Opening and meeting point in Ghent, Copenhagen, Bayreuth, Leipzig and Dresden we’ll inform you next week! :)
6. Registration stop is coming soon
We’ll stop registrations with maximum 60 teams or on August 14th. Please tell your friends to register as soon as possible if they still wanna take part in Tramprennen 2012 – otherwise it might be too late. Whoop Whoop!
Thanks for reading and thumbs up, in less than 3 weeks it’s time to kick ass! =)
Hyper Hyper!
A fundraising Guide and Route capacity
/in Trainingslager (Tramp-Geschichten)1. Fundraising Guide
We’re close to reach the 50 Cent/km, so almost 1000 Euro are inside of the water bucket! Awesomizzl, thanks and thumbs up for everyone who raised cents and told friends and family about the race so far! Keep on rocking!! Please remember that Viva con Agua and the WASH-project is big part of this project and it would be nice if everyone contributes :)
If you have a few doubts about fundraising, check out our hints in the fundrasing Guide:
German: Fundraising Guide
English: Fundraising Guide
2. Route Grover (Berchtesgaden) is cancelled
Let’s say in good old tradition we had to cancel one route a few weeks before the race starts. We prefer to have 5 full routes rather than 6 semi-equipped. Therefore Grover had to leave us…poor guy. We’ll probaby integrate a few meeting points to Oscar The Grouch (Bayreuth).
3. Route capacities and choosing a route
So far two routes are full: Ernie/Dresden (10/10) and Kermit/Copenhagen (10/10). Oscar (4/10), Bert/Leipzig (4/10) and Cookie Monster/Ghent (6/10) have slots left.
We received quite a few mails with the request to increase the number of maximum 10 teams per route so everyone can hitch the preferred route. We’re sorry, at the moment we can’t do that – otherwise some routes would have 16 teams, some only 6. If there will be more than 50 teams officially registered we will add slots to the 5 remaiing routes. First comes, first serves – in our opinion a fair way of handling every single team.
4. Talkactive hitchhikers for radio interview needed!
The german radio Channel You FM (www.you-fm.de) in the area of Hessen wants to report about the race before and after the start! We have quite a few hitchhikers from this region! Do you wanna give an interview about the race? :) It’s not necessary that you hitchhiked before or something, just go for it, it’s a lot of fun!
Please get in touch with Marco: gro.nennerpmartnull@ocram
5. Hitchpackages and Pre-Openings
To avoid misunderstandings: We will bring the Hitchpackages to the Pre-Opening in your starting city. About the Pre-Opening and meeting point in Ghent, Copenhagen, Bayreuth, Leipzig and Dresden we’ll inform you next week! :)
6. Registration stop is coming soon
We’ll stop registrations with maximum 60 teams or on August 14th. Please tell your friends to register as soon as possible if they still wanna take part in Tramprennen 2012 – otherwise it might be too late. Whoop Whoop!
Thanks for reading and thumbs up, in less than 3 weeks it’s time to kick ass! =)
Hyper Hyper!
News for hitchhikers: Spread the word!
/in NewsHeya fellow hitchhikers!
Crazy shit – just one more month and we’re finally on the road again! So far 38 teams registered, many already completed their registration, some are still in the process of doing so. We know – homework sucks, but sometimes it’s necessary and we hope to get everything managed smoothly :). Here are a few hints for the upcoming weeks until the race begins!
1. Spread the word!
Spread the word about Tramprennen among your friends, share it on your facebook walls and link to the website :). The goal is to hitch to Romania with 6 routes, fully equipped with up to 10 teams! Without your help this goal is impossible to reach! :)
Share your team profile, pimp it with a nice description and a nice team picture ! :)
2. Registration process
Some of you haven’t finished all of their homework yet. Have a look at your Team Dashboard about the stuff that still needs to be done: Go to Team Dashboard
If you have any question or problems, don’t hesitate and drop us a line, we’re going to help out: Contact Malte (gro.nennerpmartnull@etlam) or Marco (gro.nennerpmartnull@ocram)
3. Donation Counter
There are already 23 Cent/km in the Donation Counter (almost 400 Euro!)! 360 Euro for the WASH-project in India! Awesome!! Since last week the sponsoring tool is working and you can go and hunt for sponsors! The collected data of your friends, family or employer is transferred securely via a 256-bit SSL encrypted connection, so don’t worry, everything is safe :)! Check out the different sponsoring options here: Sponsoring Options
Let us altogether skyrocket the donation counter and support Viva con Agua and their clean drinking water project in Jihar and Jharkhand! :)
4. Next steps
Within the next weeks we’ll send more newsletters with specific route information like Pre-Meetings and sleeping possibilities in the starting cities. We’re going to publish our plans for the Tramprennen 2012 magazine and some more nice stuff (contact your local newspapers and radio channels, etc) :)
Cheeeers and looking forward to meet everyone on the road in a couple of weeks!!! :)
Tramprennen Crew 2012!
Tue, Hanjo, Fabian, Walter, Marco, Ole, Pille, Luke and Malte
Is that Jim Carrey hitchhiking? :)
/in NewsThe number of teams and participants is rapidly growing: 34 teams registered, 15 teams are already confirmed and so far we’re going to hitch down to Romania with 69 hitchhikers! In practice: more than 3 of the existing 6 routes are full! And one important question: Is that Jim Carrey hitchhiking? ;)
[youtube id=v5V4lc3jaZE]
Just to remember – a quick guide through the registration process:
1. Every Hitchhiker has to create his own account on tramprennen.org
2. Register a team
3. Log in and go to your Team Dashboard and invite your Hitchmate(s)
4. Wait until your Hitchmate(s) confirmed your invitation
5. Every participant has to do some homework: Send the Liability Waiver form and transfer 25 Euro for the Hitchpackage
6. Choose your route!
7. Go nuts! :)
8. Raise funds for Viva con Agua and the WASH-Project in India! :)
If you haven’t found a Hitchmate to hitch with yet, have a look at our Hitchmate X-Change Pinboard
That’s it for the moment. Within the next weeks we’re going to publish our plans for a magazine, spread a fundraising guide and keep on working behind the scenes: finetuning of the website, finding meeting points in the checkpoint cities (usually a fountain, church or well-known public place), contact newspapers and radio statios and some more stuff :)
If you have any question, get in touch with us: gro.nennerpmartnull@ofni . We’re happy to answer every question! :)
Cheeeers, Tramprennnen 2012-Crew
New: Hitchmate X-Change Pin Board
/in Trainingslager (Tramp-Geschichten)Heya! Since we received quite a few mails of people still searching for hitchmate we decided to set up a pin board. Login and write some sentences (where you from, which route you wanna hitch, etc) and leave a contact information, so other hitchhikers can get in touch and register a team together with you!
Check the Hitchmate X-Change Pin board
Cheeeers, Tramprennen 2012-Crew!
Registration bug is fixed
/in NewsWhoop!
The registration bug from the past days should be fixed now and you can register without any problems again. Make sure to invite your hitchmates via mail and follow the instructions in our mail, how to do your homework etc. You might need to re-invite your hitchmates if you’ve invited them before the bug occured. Sorry for the circumstances, we’re trying our best to make it as smooth as possible for everyone :)
We keep on working on other features like the platform to find a hitchmate and some more stuff that makes a hitchhiker smile :)
That’s it for the moment!Cheeeers
Tramprennen 2012 Crew