PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Team Picture

How far would you go to win a stage?

Not as far as walking across the serbian border again (Jana) Walking across the serbian border again (Max)

What shouldn't be missing in your hitchhiking-backpack?


Your Grandma's opinion:

Not even surprised anymore

You are ...

... hobby-hitchhikers

How do you imagine your final arrival to Udënisht?

Triumphant, because we reached our mysterious goal.

Jana (28)
Max (34)

Current Race Rank: 18
Current Route Rank: 9

As a team that is almost part of the inventory of the Tramprennen, we have finally achieved our goal of making the last place in 2019. Years of disorientation and emptiness followed. Now it is clear: it goes on, but how? You ask yourselves, we ask ourselves. We cannot (yet) answer this question, which has become one of the most pressing for humanity.

The answer will be given to you, and in the best case, to us, at Lake Ohrid at the latest.

Fasten your seatbelts, be excited and get ready to congratulate us on reaching our mysterious goal!

(Profile picture: acurrate representation of our main activities at tramprennen.)

Ticker messages

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PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Saturday, August 27th 17:48

On our way to Dubrovnik! Liebe Grüße an Steffi und Bär, kommt euch der Bus bekannt vor?

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PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Saturday, August 27th 17:14

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PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Saturday, August 27th 10:46

Lift to Mostar! Lift nach Mostar!

PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Saturday, August 27th 8:30

First task done! Erste Aufgabe erledigt!

PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Friday, August 26th 10:44

It's finally time to tell you about our Challenges! 1. Jana has to wear white socks in sandals for a whole day! 2. We got a beer with us and have to trade it until we got something we want to take home 3. We have to get tattooed either on the way or at the final Destination Thanks to our owners!

PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Thursday, August 25th 21:44

Mini Bierpong

PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Thursday, August 25th 18:58


PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Wednesday, August 24th 19:50

We made it! Thanks to all our amazing Lifts! Wir haben es geschafft! Danke an all unsere tollen Lifts!

PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Wednesday, August 24th 18:48

Short stop for the View Kurze Pause für die Aussicht

PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Wednesday, August 24th 18:34

Nö highway and the PogoPinguins will arrive at the first Race day. Lift to Ostrozac!!!/ Keine Autobahn und die PogoPinguins erreichen ihr Ziel am ersten ettapen Tag. Lift nach Ostrozac!!!

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Team Owner


Team Sponsors

Wir waren für euch an der Adria schnorren!
Bürgermeister von Jajce
42.42 don’t panic ! Ich liebe euch ganz doll !<3

Habt ganz viel Spaß !

Ich wünsch euch tolle Lifts !

Natürlich hoffe ich ihr trinkt genug Schnaps mit fremden Menschen

steht klebrig aber glücklich an der Straße

und seht wunderschöne Orte!

Trinkt einen Albatros für mich mit!

So long and thanks for the fish

Liebe Krume

Als reiche Wessis hätten wir euch natürlich auch gekauft. Aber Treuhand war schneller.

Viel Erfolg und Spaß und bis bald!

Domi & Lisa

So gut dass ihr wieder mit dabei seid!

Liebe Karlssonsche Grüße

Go Pinguuus!

Pingus go west!
Go Pingus!
Super, dass ihr auch heuer wieder mitmacht.

Schöne Grüße aus Salzburg :)

You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!