Süült Racing Team

Team Picture

How far would you go to win a stage?


What shouldn't be missing in your hitchhiking-backpack?


Your Grandma's opinion:


You are ...


How do you imagine your final arrival to Udënisht?


Roger (35)
Carlos (102)

Current Race Rank: 19
Current Route Rank: 10

Ticker messages

Süült Racing Team

Roger, Carlos

Sunday, August 21st 20:14

Help us! We don't know how to get out of this city! At least we found a friend, how should we name it? Maybe Anarcho Karlotti?

Süült Racing Team

Roger, Carlos

Sunday, August 21st 1:15

Looks like the Süült Racing Team won't make it to Austria tonight, what a pity!

Team Owner


No Owner yet.
You can be a Owner after the donation process has been started!

Team Sponsors

Na wer hat denn da das Team gekauft!?

In diesem Sinne....hier eure Aufgabe:

Singt mit Captain \"Nico\" A.K.A. Don Fabricio ein Duett zum Text von \"ZAGGI ZAGGI NEIGI NEIGI\" zur Siegerehrung!

Das sollte ja wohl wirklich nicht zu viel verlangt sein!

Ich hab euch lieb ;)

Fahrt schön vorsichtig....

Eurer Toffiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii

You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!