Therapists on tour

Team Picture

How far would you go to win a stage?


What shouldn't be missing in your hitchhiking-backpack?


Your Grandma's opinion:

Mei bua nichts Gescheids im Sinn und des Derndl is a ned bessa dro.....mei mei mei....was maochst du a imma füa na bevor I so an Schmarn wie ia da maochts ...da schias I mia ja lieba ins Knia!!!! Und I hob an zwoten Weltkriag überlebt!!!!

You are ...

... hobby-hitchhikers

How do you imagine your final arrival to Boracko Jezero?

Eine Parade an glücklichen Menschen und einen Zieleinlauf von uns a´la Baywatch. Ich als Pamela Anderson (oben ohne versteht sich ) und Sarah als David "The Hoff" Buchannon!

Sarah (35)
Passi (33)

Current Race Rank: 20
Current Route Rank: 7

Transylvania meets Grossglockner

The hitchmate exchange has brought Romania and Austria together.

Lucian is a physiotherapist and Sarah is in the final stages of her psychology studies.

That's why we thought we would develop a "Mind & Body Therapy to go" to match the hitchhicking race. And the race will then be used as a pilot study. :P

Best wishes, Physio & Psycho

Ticker messages


Therapists on tour

Sarah, Passi

Saturday, September 1st 18:11

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Therapists on tour

Sarah, Passi

Monday, August 27th 17:44

Therapists on tour

Sarah, Passi

Monday, August 27th 17:41

We arrived in Jajce and now on the way to our Meeting Point bar.

Therapists on tour

Sarah, Passi

Monday, August 27th 11:15

The rapists on Tour now. Whoop whoop

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Therapists on tour

Sarah, Passi

Sunday, August 26th 18:13

Hey Guys, We sit in the centar bar otherside of the Street of the Post Office. Waiting for you guys to arrived. A warm Place with Tea and choclate ist waiting for you!

Therapists on tour

Sarah, Passi

Sunday, August 26th 12:24

Hier spricht la Presedente: Heute Abend um 18:00 Uhr Teammeeting bei unserem Campingplatz! Believe me gonna be huge! Ein Fernbleiben wird nicht toleriert! Alle Teams haben anwesend zu sein ! Ansonsten Disqalifiktaion :p ^^ Nee....viel Erfolg allen Teams,die heute noch unterwegs sind! And always remember: Yes U can ,yes U Van! In diesem Sinne #kommtgutinBosanskaKrupaan #trampenfirst

Therapists on tour

Sarah, Passi

Saturday, August 25th 16:41

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We are getting cloooosöööör:p

Therapists on tour

Sarah, Passi

Wednesday, August 22nd 17:28

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Therapists on tour

Sarah, Passi

Wednesday, August 22nd 17:27

And here we Go again:/ #firstcarcrashtramprennen2018 #allesindgesundt&wohlauf

Therapists on tour

Sarah, Passi

Wednesday, August 22nd 16:32

Only arrived at the slovnia border, BUT The BIG Cakeproblem for todays eveving is solved. #pay1Get6 #cakediscoparty #hellolovelyslovenianPeople


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