Katja, Jascha
Monday, August 29th 19:15
Im Kofferraum durch Bulgarien. Wir sehen uns am Ziel...

Lilit, Matthias, Leo
Monday, August 29th 19:12
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Wow, I have to mention that it's not so easy to work on a video when you're hitchhiking and camping nonstop. But here it goes! Stage 3! We were there in Hungary... A driver dropped us off at the highway, where it's forbidden to be standing. There was nothing in the surroundings, so our only option was to get a lift out of there and hope that the police doesn't show up. We managed to get it!

Christian, Henrike
Monday, August 29th 18:57
Aka häßlich faul found last ride in a big car for old legs! Veliko we are on the way!

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