Cristian, Catinca
Saturday, August 27th 19:21
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Cristian, Catinca
Saturday, August 27th 19:21
Our mascot is ready to swim
Operation Katapult
Jana, Tassilo
Saturday, August 27th 17:53
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Waiting for the Michelinchen to pick us up :)
PogoPingus Katerfrühstück
Jana, Max
Saturday, August 27th 17:48
On our way to Dubrovnik!
Liebe Grüße an Steffi und Bär, kommt euch der Bus bekannt vor?
PogoPingus Katerfrühstück
Jana, Max
Saturday, August 27th 17:14
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Katja , Dorian
Saturday, August 27th 17:10
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Katja , Dorian
Saturday, August 27th 17:10
The situation now.
Katja , Dorian
Saturday, August 27th 17:10
Lift for Michelinchen, Operation Katapult and Pogo Pinguins. For 8 km. But we're at the proper street now. So all cars going to the right direction.
Stefanie , Lukas
Saturday, August 27th 17:08
cooffee for the driver!