Hitchhi & Startchy

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?
To bribe people with chocolate and home-baked cookies.
Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?
A huge smile. Bunch of funny stories. Bottle-opener. Entire collection of Posca. Our lucky pairs of socks. High spirits.
Was sagt deine Oma dazu?
Well, if that makes you happy, go for it ! And don't forget to put suncreen on !
Ihr seid ...
... Hobby-Tramper*in
Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Bontida vor?
On a quadriga pulled by unicorns, welcomed, as deserved, with fireworks and a guard of honour. Altogether, a fairly common entry.
Servane (32)
Xavier (26)
Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 21
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 7
Just two Walloon siblings. With thumbs. And we love beer.
Ticker Nachrichten
Team Owner
Happy Birthday Xavier!
We collected to get a present for you! You just got owned. The present is a task. Every time you get out of a lift, you have to collect garbage for 5 minutes. When you find a plant in a pot, that is more than 30cm, the first task is over and you need to bring the plant to Bontida:) Let us see some cool pictures on the liveticker!
Team Sponsoren
Go and have fun :)
You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!