Drinkers with a hitchhiking problem

Team Picture

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?

We might save a beer for the end

Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

Beer, pack of cards, some delicious dry bread, more beer, piwo and good attitude.

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

That's a bloody awesome race.

Ihr seid ...

... Hobby-Tramper*in

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Bontida vor?

With explosions and cowboys accompanying us.

Anne (31)
Martin (30)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 22
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 8

Dutch-German combo that both participated before. We"ll be taking on the free route this year, because YEEHAA we are cowboys of the road (still prone to get stuck tho).

Ticker Nachrichten


Drinkers with a hitchhiking problem

Anne, Martin

Sunday, September 8th 4:34

Home sweet home - es war mir eine Ehre, bis nächstes Jahr!

Drinkers with a hitchhiking problem

Anne, Martin

Thursday, September 5th 10:23

Letzte Etappe!

Drinkers with a hitchhiking problem

Anne, Martin

Tuesday, September 3rd 10:52


Drinkers with a hitchhiking problem

Anne, Martin

Saturday, August 31st 22:31

Found the best shot ever in Cluj ^^

Drinkers with a hitchhiking problem

Anne, Martin

Saturday, August 31st 13:52

Romanian architecture <3

Drinkers with a hitchhiking problem

Anne, Martin

Thursday, August 29th 15:27

Wir sind da!!!

Drinkers with a hitchhiking problem

Anne, Martin

Thursday, August 29th 13:10

To the galaxy, but first to dej!

Drinkers with a hitchhiking problem

Anne, Martin

Tuesday, August 27th 19:18

Hanging out in breb

Drinkers with a hitchhiking problem

Anne, Martin

Tuesday, August 27th 18:20

Sadly had to leave the race early. Would have loved to jitch the flag!! Today I did some solo hitching with lovely romenians (one even gifted me a watermelon), and am now waiting in budapest for a bus to take back me home. Thanks for the nice adventures Martin and the rest of the androids :)

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Drinkers with a hitchhiking problem

Anne, Martin

Tuesday, August 27th 11:11

Flag is with freak & geek in cavnic!


Team Owner


Team Sponsoren

Mo and Luisa (Hakuna Matata)

We hope you enjoed this year race witout us and we hope to see you again very soon.

Good tramp

Enjoy your time! :)
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