Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?
Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?
Was sagt deine Oma dazu?
instead of my columbia travel - that is "normal"
but you are not alone
is it your boy friend?
You know what you want than it's fine :)
Ihr seid ...
... Hobby-Tramper*in
Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Bontida vor?
Jumping with joy.
Paul (35)
Katharina (33)
Thaddäus (24)
Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 14
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 4
We are Paul from Burton, England, Katharina from Augsburg, Bavaria, and Thaddäus (Thaddel) from Schöneck (Vogtland). We do Tramprennen for the first time!
Ticker Nachrichten

Speedy Gonzales
Paul, Katharina, Thaddäus
Wednesday, August 28th 17:36
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Speedy Gonzales
Paul, Katharina, Thaddäus
Wednesday, August 28th 16:43
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We're on a way in last lift

Speedy Gonzales
Paul, Katharina, Thaddäus
Monday, August 26th 9:44
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First lift

Speedy Gonzales
Paul, Katharina, Thaddäus
Saturday, August 24th 15:35

Still waiting for a lift for more than two hours. Thaddäus got hungry.

Speedy Gonzales
Paul, Katharina, Thaddäus
Saturday, August 24th 13:45
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Speedy Gonzales
Paul, Katharina, Thaddäus
Saturday, August 24th 10:08
Starting at 10:08am

Speedy Gonzales
Paul, Katharina, Thaddäus
Wednesday, August 21st 19:27
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Arrived at 19:10pm
Team Owner
DHL Ultras
Hello beautiful mice,
the task for all of you is to draw yourself a mouseface and hitchhike with it one stage. Of course we want to see a proof in the liveticker. Don\'t get caught by the cat!
Team Sponsoren
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