Der Zwergenaufstand

Team Picture

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?

Pille would consider breaking his collar bone again ( we are not Happy with that Idea) so He also offerd to Break other Bones (we are still Not Happy with it)

Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

Juggling ballls,water, music and a warm beer. Pille wants to take garlic with us, because You never know who You are going to meet in Transylvania (we are not happy about that. You can find the reason in the way we want to get to Bontida...garlic wouldn't be helpful)

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

Don't get in a car with Strangers but have fun!

Ihr seid ...

... die Held*innen der Landstraße

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Bontida vor?

Arriving would be preatty cool alredy. But If we arrive than we will arrive fly on Draculas back!!

Philipp (33)
Tessa (31)
Nele (27)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 20
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 7

If you asked yourself yes we are short! But that Is the amazing thing while hitchhiking because we will fit in every trunk. No more excuses..

Three angry dwarfs wanting to change the world while us that Sounds like a great idea!

Ticker Nachrichten


Der Zwergenaufstand

Philipp, Tessa, Nele

Wednesday, October 2nd 20:32

My first live interview in television, I hope I didn't say too much bullshit :D,1158413-100.html

Der Zwergenaufstand

Philipp, Tessa, Nele

Saturday, September 7th 17:46

One more dwarf nearly landed. One hour to go and this year's tramprennen ends for me also :(. Thank you all for the great tramprennen this year, hope to see all of you soon :). Hippielove for you, Pille

Der Zwergenaufstand

Philipp, Tessa, Nele

Thursday, September 5th 13:33

Again on the road with a new team. Now it's only team P.H. left going to Munich :( Bobby 1 we miss you :(. Enjoy your stay in Vienna.

Der Zwergenaufstand

Philipp, Tessa, Nele

Wednesday, September 4th 15:51

Hello Hungary!

+ show 1 comment(s)

Der Zwergenaufstand

Philipp, Tessa, Nele

Wednesday, September 4th 1:21

Only to let You know...we did it!!! A stage of almost 300 km and 5.30 hours driving time and we arrived three hours ago in Arad..Happy and Tired.

Der Zwergenaufstand

Philipp, Tessa, Nele

Tuesday, September 3rd 21:25

Thats hitchhiker romantic...the middle of the night 40km from your goal on a gas station while It rains...

Der Zwergenaufstand

Philipp, Tessa, Nele

Tuesday, September 3rd 12:00

Part 1 of the Zwergenaufstand will finally be home in 10km!

Der Zwergenaufstand

Philipp, Tessa, Nele

Monday, September 2nd 20:28

First lift for todayyyyyy!!!!! Back to Cluj but It doesnt matter its still a lift!

Der Zwergenaufstand

Philipp, Tessa, Nele

Monday, September 2nd 12:08

Back on the Road now as zwergenpingu pogo :)

Der Zwergenaufstand

Philipp, Tessa, Nele

Saturday, August 31st 2:44

Good night!


Team Owner


Team Sponsoren

DHL Ultra Service Porto ;-)
Grüße nach Görlitz! Haltet durch!
Martin, the diving goggles
Thanks for taking me on another trip!
Melanie Wi
Habt Spaß und trägt Frieden in die Welt!
Mo und Luisa
Hallo Ihr Lieben

Wir freuen uns sehr, dass Ihr es bis ans Ziel geschafft habt und würden uns freuen, wenn wir Euch bald mal wieder sehen.

Bis dahin

Good tramp

Schön, dass der Arm noch dran ist :)
Eureka. Evviva. Juhuiiiii
Papa Franz
Viel Glück auf eurer weiteren Tour.

You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!