Lady and the Tramp

Team Picture

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?


Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

Spaghetti with meatballs?

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

"Make sure you are dressed warm enough!"

Ihr seid ...

... die Held*innen der Landstraße

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Boracko Jezero vor?

Singing cheesy Disney songs!

Louisa (30)
Christopher (29)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 12
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 5

We'll let you decide who's the lady and who's the tramp...

Ticker Nachrichten

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Lady and the Tramp

Louisa, Christopher

Thursday, August 23rd 13:47

Valjevo :)

Lady and the Tramp

Louisa, Christopher

Wednesday, August 22nd 13:25


Lady and the Tramp

Louisa, Christopher

Monday, August 20th 11:21

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Lady and the Tramp

Louisa, Christopher

Monday, August 20th 10:47

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Back in Croatia!

Lady and the Tramp

Louisa, Christopher

Monday, August 20th 9:54

Next ride before we could even finish writing the sign!

Lady and the Tramp

Louisa, Christopher

Saturday, August 18th 19:58

Somewhere in the middle of nowhere in Croatia.

Lady and the Tramp

Louisa, Christopher

Saturday, August 18th 18:28

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Lady and the Tramp

Louisa, Christopher

Saturday, August 18th 16:46

Auf geht’s nach Kroatien :)

Lady and the Tramp

Louisa, Christopher

Saturday, August 18th 12:48


Lady and the Tramp

Louisa, Christopher

Saturday, August 18th 12:07

Erste Fahrt: CABRIO!!

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Team Sponsoren

Image Science Team
Viel Erfolg! Let\'s fetz Tramps! :-)

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