The high gypsies

Team Picture

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?

Using all the hitching tricks up our sleve ;)

Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

Craft beer!

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

Don't use dirty toilets

Ihr seid ...

... Hobby-Tramper*in

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Boracko Jezero vor?

With action movie explosions in the background

Anne (31)
Alex (29)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 3
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 2

HI! We are Anne and Alex, joining tramprennen for the first time this year! We are form The Netherlands and Romenia. Hitching the gipsy way from Erfurt to Boracko Jezero, enjoying the sights and having some fun along the way.

Ticker Nachrichten


The high gypsies

Anne, Alex

Thursday, September 13th 12:37

Last stop for this "summer"

The high gypsies

Anne, Alex

Wednesday, September 5th 21:28

The high gypsies

Anne, Alex

Wednesday, September 5th 21:26

Finally, I got to some more familiar places today. Have a safe trip everyone who is still on the road!

The high gypsies

Anne, Alex

Friday, August 31st 1:42

Carl doesn't give a shit about hippiekacke

The high gypsies

Anne, Alex

Thursday, August 30th 17:46

Thanks for the final lift guys!

The high gypsies

Anne, Alex

Thursday, August 30th 15:31

High jypsies starting 15:30

The high gypsies

Anne, Alex

Thursday, August 30th 15:12

Hi, we are still here. Just playing card games #whysnel

The high gypsies

Anne, Alex

Wednesday, August 29th 13:56

High jypsies have arrived 13:45

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The high gypsies

Anne, Alex

Wednesday, August 29th 10:30

High gypies left at 10:30

The high gypsies

Anne, Alex

Monday, August 27th 11:47

Got a lift for the four of us, and the driver speaks dutch. Acting as a translator for everyone now. Dank je wel Jusef, dat we met je mee mochten rijden :)!

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Team Sponsoren

Christin Moatramps
Thank you for the great time guys! Stay safe and hopefully we will meet again :)

You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!