Zaphod and the Hitchhikers

Team Picture

Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?

...way too far!

Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?

Guitars & Albatrosses

Was sagt deine Oma dazu?

Unfortunately we had to delete their memorys to protect them, so they don't care at all.

Ihr seid ...

... heftig erfahrende Tramp-Profis

Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Baltieji Lakajai vor?

...we hope with enough money left, to buy a couple of ALBATROOOOOOOS!

Christopher (35)
Nico (31)

Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 44
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 3

Lada Enriggo & Maserati Toffer hitchhiking interstellar "Diesel-Spaceships" across Europe! Always waiting for you at the destination of each stage...

Ticker Nachrichten


Zaphod and the Hitchhikers

Christopher, Nico

Thursday, August 31st 14:03

Ziellift!!! Mindunai we are comming...

Zaphod and the Hitchhikers

Christopher, Nico

Monday, August 28th 10:26

Do widzenia Gdańsk! Dciękuję bardzo to Aleksandra and the whole Milewski family from the free route! Ełk, we're coming for you!

Zaphod and the Hitchhikers

Christopher, Nico

Monday, August 28th 9:21

Breakfast of doom in Gdańsk! Big thanks to the Milewski-Family! Next stop: Ełk!

Zaphod and the Hitchhikers

Christopher, Nico

Thursday, August 24th 15:24

Highway to Hel

Zaphod and the Hitchhikers

Christopher, Nico

Thursday, August 24th 12:52

Toffi- Feen auf dem Weg nach Gdansk!!!

Zaphod and the Hitchhikers

Christopher, Nico

Thursday, August 24th 12:41

And Hel, we'll see you in a few minutes!

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Zaphod and the Hitchhikers

Christopher, Nico

Thursday, August 24th 12:40

Sunset in Opole

Zaphod and the Hitchhikers

Christopher, Nico

Thursday, August 24th 12:39

Sightseeing at the polish Disneyland with our awesome lift Mirka yesterday! ❤️

Zaphod and the Hitchhikers

Christopher, Nico

Wednesday, August 23rd 12:34

Noch mal groß und dann los mit dem Dreamteam: "Kacki-kacki, Trampi-trampi"

Zaphod and the Hitchhikers

Christopher, Nico

Monday, August 21st 15:43

Ostrava, here we come!


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Team Sponsoren

Go-go-go: ihr habt es drauf! Sonne und Fahrtwind***
Michi Hm
Auf gehts Toffer!! Ich zähl auf dich & dein Team! :D
Wo wollt ihr denn hin?
1 Anonyme(r) Spende(r)

You can be a Sponsor after the donation process has been started!