Wie weit würdet ihr für den Etappensieg gehen?
We would do everything. Except murder ;)
Was darf in eurem Tramper-Rucksack nicht fehlen?
Water and contacts (sonst ist Claudi blind)
Was sagt deine Oma dazu?
"Schaut euch die Welt an, aber passt auf euch auf!"
Ihr seid ...
... blutige Anfänger*in
Wie stellt ihr euch euren Zieleinlauf nach Baltieji Lakajai vor?
Either totally exhausted on all fours or... not.
Max (30)
Claudia (27)
Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 28
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 6
Claudi and Max, siblings from Nuremberg. We love nature, fat cats & dogs and equality for all. Peace <3
Ticker Nachrichten
Max, Claudia
Tuesday, August 29th 18:04
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Just started a lift to marijampole! We're on the way! :D
Max, Claudia
Tuesday, August 29th 12:46
Schon 3 lifts, aber trotzdem erst in Biala piska.. hier is tote hose, aber wir vertreiben uns die wartezeit mit Hannlelore :)
Max, Claudia
Tuesday, August 29th 9:02
Let's gooo! #schnöselmodusan
Max, Claudia
Monday, August 28th 15:31
Max, Claudia
Monday, August 28th 15:29
AAA (Anti-Alkoholische-Aktion)
Max, Claudia
Sunday, August 27th 17:14
Big thank you to Rafał, who drove us to Zgon :) (17km further than he'd intended to go!) If you want to you can check out his band trupa trupa which makes really good rock music!
Max, Claudia
Sunday, August 27th 10:34
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Max, Claudia
Sunday, August 27th 10:31
Stuck in the rain, thankfully we have a barn at our camping place in which we can wait until the rain is over. The most important thing is that our eggs are still alive and that we have chocolate :D
Max, Claudia
Saturday, August 26th 18:54
Just started with a directlift from Warschau to Olsztyn, hopefully we'll make it today! <3
Max, Claudia
Saturday, August 26th 17:32
Finally in warschau thanks to Chris. Maybe we'll even make it today (no promises) :D
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