Die Funky Däneutschen
Zwei Wochen per Anhalter durch Europa. Warum?
Two weeks.. well because thats the duration of the race. Through Europe.. because the possibility to see something you havn´t seen before, meet someone you haven´t meet before, do something you havn´t done before, have thoughts you couldn´t imagine before is very high in Europe ;) By thumb.. that lifts the possibility to a funky maximum!
Warum sollte ein_e Fahrer_in gerade uns mitnehmen?
No one else on this funky ball is däneutscher than us. People will love to meet us ;P besides we are very handsome
Unsere Beste Tramperfahrung bisher:
7 hours journey on an egg-lorry through croatia. sweating in the front, while our luggage was cooled down to 8 degrees in the back
Unser Ziel fürs Rennen
Spaß, Spaß, Spaß!
Für eine Spende würden wir...
necesseties for a peaceful funky world
Tue Gonzo Elmann (38)
Julia (34)
Aktuelle Platzierung im Rennen: 44
Aktuelle Platzierung auf Route: 8
Julia from Germany + Tue from Denmark
I wrote a superlong funky description, and then it disappeared, so this is a temporary thang untill I get the urge and gurth to write a new one.
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