Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni
Monday, August 22nd 14:50
icture of the receipt. Don't forget to run the last 500m to your destination while enjoying the pub.
Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni
Monday, August 22nd 14:50
And at last the special quests for Lasse and Bosse: Have a drink at this Pub - > Bobicom trgovina, gostinstvo in storitve, Novo mesto. Proof it with a p
Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni
Monday, August 22nd 14:09
So a part of the daily challenges: Nilsson: Make a picture with at least 23 people with thumbs up! Karlsson: Hitchhike a vehicle with a siren! Pippi: Drive your last car to the destination, so you are sitting in front of the steering wheel! No matter which distance! Emil: Hitchhike a agricultural vehicle!
Jonathan, Tanja
Monday, August 22nd 13:59
Traffic jam to zakopane ;) Slovakia we are coming, soon, one day, probably, Poland is nice too
Roman, Tina
Monday, August 22nd 12:37
Heute sind wie mal mit “undercover unterwegs“ @ auf der straße, mittlerweile im zweiten Auto. 3,5 h für 20 km aber dafür Frühstück und Kännchen. Slowakei, wie kommen...... vielleicht. :)
Lea, Karl
Monday, August 22nd 12:04
team undercover und gabi&klaus nach 3 stunden immerhin 5 km weit gekommen erstmal in ruhe gefrühstückt, gekackt und jetzt kilometer fressen
The Hiking Viking & the Tripping Corncobs
Jan Martin, Estefany, Minerva
Monday, August 22nd 11:01
Vinkig and corncobs on our way to Wadowice!! +1 extrapoint ;)
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