Michi, Lina- Lou
Friday, September 2nd 14:31
We reached the final destination Tsigov Chark at Lake Batak in Bulgaria. Beautiful!!
Lilit, Matthias, Leo
Friday, September 2nd 14:28
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The race is over, but I'll never forget the stupid things we've been doing in those moments when nobody was pulling over
Teresa, Max, Andy
Thursday, September 1st 20:17
We fucking made it!!! Und wir wünschen uns weiterhin alles Gute!
Jakob, Hannah
Thursday, September 1st 18:39
Liebe grüße an unsre (vorerst unbekannten) allgäuer teamsponsoren von JAKOB(24) und hannah (team internationallgäu).Auch grüße von den echten kindern ;)
Johannes, Heike
Thursday, September 1st 14:06
In Bulgaria are Hitchhikers everywhere... 10 people lift yeah
Wiebke, Mathias, Leonie
Thursday, September 1st 13:35
Made it to the final destination. Party time :)
Teresa, Max, Andy
Thursday, September 1st 13:14
Ändy hat uns gerade elegant mit dem vw Bus ins Ziel in Tsigov chark gefahren. Challenge acomplished! Die faulen osos holen sich zum wiederholten Mal Platz 3!!!!
Johannes, Heike
Thursday, September 1st 13:04
Just received another donation. We reached 500 € now! Yeah
Wiebke, Mathias, Leonie
Thursday, September 1st 13:03
Got great music, probably a direct lift and passed around 5 teams :) live is fun!
Spenden für Viva con Agua und PRO ASYL