Florian, Sabrina
Wednesday, August 24th 17:25
Wohooo trucker paradies! We got a lift to Satu Mar. Romania we're coming!!!
Antje, Dennis
Wednesday, August 24th 16:53
Again with Team #dionisiaco on the way to Romania... Läuft bei uns
The Hiking Viking & the Tripping Corncobs
Jan Martin, Estefany, Minerva
Wednesday, August 24th 16:37
But our ride was nice enough and waited for us! Thanks to him and fuck all borders!
The Hiking Viking & the Tripping Corncobs
Jan Martin, Estefany, Minerva
Wednesday, August 24th 16:35
Fucked up passport club strikes again. One hour at the romanian border just for our colombian passports.
Tony, Franziska Charlotte
Wednesday, August 24th 16:17
Liebe grüße an Tina und Hans. Wären wir nur in das Auto gestiegen.
Jonathan, Tanja
Wednesday, August 24th 16:17
5min in coas and the whole pippi route has a place to sleep in a house from a Woodsman. Let's check it out. :D
Jonathan, Tanja
Wednesday, August 24th 16:00
It would say win!!!!! Coas white church (15.59 hingarian time) ;)
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