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Hippie Route

Anton Möre Herbert Otto..., Simon

Thursday, August 25th 20:59

Snacktastisches Chiliöl ist voll knorke(keule), so lang man die Chi


Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni

Thursday, August 25th 20:19

So guys my backpack (jonas) is ready for the road. I will start tomorrow just so short trip from flensburg to Hamburg and then from statutory directly to Sofia. The plan is to be there on Monday. 2200km in 3 days?! Let's do that. We will see us Thursday in Bulgaria!

Sternstunde Racing Team

Antje, Dennis

Thursday, August 25th 19:51

Fußballspiel Tramprennen vs Romania 2:3

Hippie Route

Anton Möre Herbert Otto..., Simon

Thursday, August 25th 19:20

Kurzer Abstecher nach Kalifornien (man braucht drei Tramper um einen Redwood zu knuddeln)

Gabi & Klaus

Roman, Tina

Thursday, August 25th 19:17

Something went wrong

Gabi & Klaus

Roman, Tina

Thursday, August 25th 19:06

Pippi langstrumpfing funks out of coaş! Thanks to Gabriela and Vasilje for everything they have done and taking care of us. Such a nice place here to spend some time and have impressions of the people and their culture. cheers to all the autostoppers...


Florian, Sabrina

Thursday, August 25th 17:06

Check! Hitchhiking a cart :)

Gabi & Klaus

Roman, Tina

Thursday, August 25th 14:07

Katerstimmung in Quas. Erstmal Bier bestellen. Prost Gemeinde, Route Pipi säuft.

Gabi & Klaus

Roman, Tina

Thursday, August 25th 10:28

Alle Eier sind heil angekommen, mittlerweile gekocht und aufgegessen. Dank Vassile Maxim haben wir nicht nur einen wunderbaren schlafplatz sonder auch vollpension. Geiler Typ....


Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni

Thursday, August 25th 8:12

Heartbeat 15892

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