Anton Möre Herbert Otto..., Simon
Thursday, August 25th 20:59
Snacktastisches Chiliöl ist voll knorke(keule), so lang man die Chi
Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni
Thursday, August 25th 20:19
So guys my backpack (jonas) is ready for the road. I will start tomorrow just so short trip from flensburg to Hamburg and then from statutory directly to Sofia. The plan is to be there on Monday. 2200km in 3 days?! Let's do that. We will see us Thursday in Bulgaria!
Anton Möre Herbert Otto..., Simon
Thursday, August 25th 19:20
Kurzer Abstecher nach Kalifornien (man braucht drei Tramper um einen Redwood zu knuddeln)
Roman, Tina
Thursday, August 25th 19:06
Pippi langstrumpfing funks out of coaş! Thanks to Gabriela and Vasilje for everything they have done and taking care of us. Such a nice place here to spend some time and have impressions of the people and their culture. cheers to all the autostoppers...
Roman, Tina
Thursday, August 25th 14:07
Katerstimmung in Quas. Erstmal Bier bestellen. Prost Gemeinde, Route Pipi säuft.
Spenden für Viva con Agua und PRO ASYL