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Sternstunde Racing Team

Antje, Dennis

Sunday, August 28th 18:17

Platz ist in der kleinsten Hütte ;)


Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni

Sunday, August 28th 17:38

So far no more fotos of the testteam, we left our smartphone on the roof of the car and it got to know the romanian road..always hardcore...

Donald Trampt

Tony, Franziska Charlotte

Sunday, August 28th 17:07

Erstmal am See und dann los.


Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni

Sunday, August 28th 16:55

Test tickelingelinglng Slatinastic Hitching!


Manuela, Christopher

Sunday, August 28th 16:42

Nur Styler auf dem Weg!!!

undercover unterwegs

Lea, Karl

Sunday, August 28th 16:33

Have a coffee with our new team member Jackson in Valcea.

Donald Trampt

Tony, Franziska Charlotte

Sunday, August 28th 16:30

Bergsee wir kommen.


Manuela, Christopher

Sunday, August 28th 16:22

Zwischenetappe läuft! Hier passt doch locker noch ein Team rein.

Sternstunde Racing Team

Antje, Dennis

Sunday, August 28th 15:50

In the middle of nowhere. Romania is nice! :)

The Hiking Viking & the Tripping Corncobs

Jan Martin, Estefany, Minerva

Sunday, August 28th 15:10

fore stopping at his house and changing into a better BMW, because in his words: we cannot travel without air conditioning!

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