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Sternstunde Racing Team

Antje, Dennis

Monday, August 29th 13:58

Such a nice place in Romania :)


Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni

Monday, August 29th 1:28

The chellenge for Lasse is a bit confusing but i am sure everybody will mangae to acomplish it :P Here comes the riddle to solve: You are ONE team, consisting of at least TWO people. You are supposed to travel with THREE teams in one lift or as a substitute drive through THREE countries. Furthermore you need to get FOUR cars with different nations licenseplates. And finally bring FIVE different beers to the meetingpoint!


Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni

Sunday, August 28th 23:42

Jonas > I would say we did it to lucane in Serbia today!


Florian, Sabrina

Sunday, August 28th 22:30

To the lovely Pippi route: thanks to all, I had so much fun with you!!! and please take care of my hitchbuddy Flo. I will miss you. Bon voyage


Florian, Sabrina

Sunday, August 28th 22:26

Together is better! 2 teams on the way to Alba Iulia!!!

Sternstunde Racing Team

Antje, Dennis

Sunday, August 28th 21:29

Finally arrived.. Today we had A lift with just two seats, but no problem for us ;)

Ich glaub mich trampt 'n Pferd aka Ossigang 2.0

Tina, Hans, Rico

Sunday, August 28th 20:23

Wir waren kurz davor einen mitzunehmen :)

Donald Trampt

Tony, Franziska Charlotte

Sunday, August 28th 19:39

Time to ticker: our driver ist the best! Sightseeing and now he will bring us home. 2 Stunden Umweg ist meeeega nice. Cu in 1 hour


Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni

Sunday, August 28th 19:24

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Why would somebody like Victor pick up 4 freaks who don't know how to record a video?

undercover unterwegs

Lea, Karl

Sunday, August 28th 18:49

whats up guys found some goodies 4 l of white wine and grapes(not for you) were next to dragasani right now see you later alligator

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