Tony, Franziska Charlotte
Tuesday, August 30th 9:25
Just got money from marius for breakfast. Now let us chill and eat.
Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni
Tuesday, August 30th 9:10
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Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni
Tuesday, August 30th 9:09
@gmytwn: andere Menschen verkaufen Verkaufen Versicherungen, Handyverträge oder Religion an der Haustür. So wird es doch möglich sein sich bis zur nächst
The Hiking Viking & the Tripping Corncobs
Jan Martin, Estefany, Minerva
Tuesday, August 30th 8:50
2 mins waiting and we got the second bmw of the day. Style is on our side ;) #bmwonly#loveromania
Antje, Dennis
Tuesday, August 30th 8:41
Back on the road again with a really kind guy who could be a history teacher! :) today Pippi will go to Lyutibrod a very small village instead of Montana! See ya later ;)
Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni
Tuesday, August 30th 8:31
Jonathan can't wait.. We have never seen sb. that active..
The Hiking Viking & the Tripping Corncobs
Jan Martin, Estefany, Minerva
Tuesday, August 30th 8:18
Starting the day with style! #bmwonly
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