Marco, Jonas Jörn, Hanni
Tuesday, August 30th 14:13
@bosse: man muss ja nicht das klingeln hervorheben, eher das zuhause antreffen.
Lea, Karl
Tuesday, August 30th 13:48
having a great time( some jackie-coke and green stuff) with 2 students from sofia, taking us 15 km near to our destination maybe top3?
The Hiking Viking & the Tripping Corncobs
Jan Martin, Estefany, Minerva
Tuesday, August 30th 13:42
Aaaaaand here we are!
The Hiking Viking & the Tripping Corncobs
Jan Martin, Estefany, Minerva
Tuesday, August 30th 13:16
As usual, first class to the final destination ;) #thisisnotatravelagency
Ich glaub mich trampt 'n Pferd aka Ossigang 2.0
Tina, Hans, Rico
Tuesday, August 30th 12:25
Nach zu lAngem Spaziergang an der Grenze in brennender Mittagssonne endlich ein Lift Richtung Sofia!
Antje, Dennis
Tuesday, August 30th 12:16
From the border directly to mezdra... Such a good day today! Whoop Whoop
Antje, Dennis
Tuesday, August 30th 11:41
Eben noch Raststättenromantik... Jetzt schon fast in Bulgarien whoop whoop
Petra, Federico
Tuesday, August 30th 11:37
5 minutes lift and we are at the border :D Bulgaria here we come!
Spenden für Viva con Agua und PRO ASYL