Lilit, Matthias, Leo
Thursday, September 8th 9:56
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Trying again... Whenever you feel hungry when hitchhiking, remember how easy it was when on those days by the roadsides of Eastern Europe!

Lilit, Matthias, Leo
Thursday, September 8th 9:55
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Whenever you feel hungry when hitchhiking, remember how easy it was when on those days by the roadsides of Eastern Europe!

Michi, Lina- Lou
Wednesday, September 7th 15:32
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Völlich unausgeschlafene Gold-Osos machen nix an der griechischen Küste.

Jakob, Hannah
Wednesday, September 7th 12:38

Anybody still travelling Bulgaria this is a place to check out. They have couchsurfing for lots of people and just gave us a great lift.

Wiebke, Mathias, Leonie
Tuesday, September 6th 18:47

Two of us still travel around Montenegro. Last night we pitched our tend in heavy thunderstorm, so hostel in Podgorica right now. But hitchhiking works fine !

Lilit, Matthias, Leo
Monday, September 5th 16:42
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Do never forget to let the albatroz flyyyyy !!!!!!! It's good quality

Matthias, Lisa
Monday, September 5th 8:51

Völlich omch ist jetzt auch hungrig und unausgeschlafen und Hungrig und Unausgeschlafen sind jetzt auch völlich omch! Zusammen haben wir erstmal die bulgarische Künstlerelite kennem gelernt! Christo war grad leider im Urlaub

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