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Feuchter Stein

Jonathan, Vera

Thursday, September 3rd 18:26

It's so nice to finally be in Omare and enjoy the beautiful atmosphere. So far Albania is FLAWLESS!!!!

Chillige Rennsemmeln

Johanna, Franziska, Benedikt

Thursday, September 3rd 18:20

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Am wunderschönen Campingplatz das Rennen ausklingen lassen

The Bundesgeile Comebacktour

Luca, Minerva, Oscar

Thursday, September 3rd 17:46

Whoopwhoop, anyone in for a bundesgeile party? Chip in 1 euro for the DJ to Oscar! Thanks! Spread the word! One love!

Viva con cerveza

Roman, Megan

Thursday, September 3rd 17:33

Nach zwei Stunden mit den geilsten Albanern der Welt in Koplik, ist vcc via Moped angekommen. Disqualifiziert? Jou! Drauf geschissen.... Whoop Whoop


Tina, Lisa, Hans

Thursday, September 3rd 17:21

Schönes Omare. #hashhash #wundershön

The Bundesgeile Comebacktour

Luca, Minerva, Oscar

Thursday, September 3rd 16:12

We're here! DJ is already setting up the party! Thanks to bundesgeile Oscar!

Feuchter Stein

Jonathan, Vera

Thursday, September 3rd 14:40

We made it!!!!! Yeah!!!!!!!

Feuchter Stein

Jonathan, Vera

Thursday, September 3rd 13:50

After quite some time on the side of the road we now got a lift directly to Omare and were able to take along the team "Hellfish":)

Barthel & Stoppel

Barthel, Stoppel

Thursday, September 3rd 13:24

Barthel und Stoppel haben den Most geholt! Second Place at final destination: Omarë in Albania! Kapëëëng!!!

Chillige Rennsemmeln

Johanna, Franziska, Benedikt

Thursday, September 3rd 13:13


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