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TrampSloths JuStBe

Christian, Laura

Friday, September 11th 21:25

Thanks Magda for the last stop at beautiful lake Atter! :) Tomorrow at 3am journey will start back to Germany!

TrampSloths JuStBe

Christian, Laura

Friday, September 11th 21:22

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After exhausting and moving days in Röszke at the hungarian-serbian border and a quick nightstop in vienna now without Philipp (Ken) in our last night stop at a friends home at lake Atter!

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Friday, September 11th 20:57

Jetzt wird der Rakija geleert!! Wir trinken einen für dich mit Johannes ♡

Die mit dem Hasen

Sebastian, Marie-Luise, Janna

Friday, September 11th 20:48

Resteverwertung! @teamalki: wir kümmern uns aufopferungsvoll um den rakija

3 Thumbs Up

Johannes, Anna, Stephanie

Friday, September 11th 16:45

Food from mom what else you need. It was a great race see you all soon.

TrampSloths JuStBe

Christian, Laura

Friday, September 11th 16:26

Made it out of vienna.. thanks gerhard :)

Team Chaos goes Europe

Anna, Philipp

Friday, September 11th 13:34

Heute Abend Tramprennen Aftershowparty in München! Drei Piggeldys suchen noch weitere Mitfeierer ;) für weitere Infos: 004915739771231

TrampSloths JuStBe

Christian, Laura

Friday, September 11th 13:04

Almost boring... allowed to put a no border sticker on an advertisement table of police in vienna ;)

The Flitzers

Christine, Manuel

Thursday, September 10th 23:30

Wir sind zurück in Deutschland, unser Gepäck hat es aber leider nur bis Belgrad geschafft. Die Reise ist also noch nicht vorbei.

3 Thumbs Up

Johannes, Anna, Stephanie

Thursday, September 10th 23:26

Half of Resteverwertung Piggeldy and Frederik made it to Salzburg. Hopefully we will see the other half of us soon.

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