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Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Wednesday, August 31st 21:20

Because my mom complained that we didn't Post anything today. Mom you can be proud of me today I won ;)

Heute hier morgen immer noch da

Frederik, Laura

Wednesday, August 31st 12:57

Waiting for our lift

PogoPingus Katerfrühstück

Jana, Max

Wednesday, August 31st 6:42

Travelgroup bus is on it's way Reisegruppe Bus ist auf dem Weg

Operation Katapult

Jana, Tassilo

Tuesday, August 30th 20:48

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At least half of Team Operation Katapult arrived with half of Team Ibu'Ibu in Elbasan! Enjoying diner at Vila 10 now.


Cristian, Catinca

Tuesday, August 30th 19:17

CANICULAR is back together!

Superpowers without showers

Tessa, Felix

Tuesday, August 30th 18:02

The swiched Team arrived!!


Christopher, Louisa, Sandra

Tuesday, August 30th 18:00

Doggo driving us to victory!


Christopher, Louisa, Sandra

Tuesday, August 30th 17:59

Doggo driving us to victory!


Christopher, Louisa, Sandra

Tuesday, August 30th 17:54



Christopher, Louisa, Sandra

Tuesday, August 30th 17:40

No-one believed we could do it, but with some cute help, we were the first ones to arrive in Elbasan!

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